The following host group mode (option) is available for OpenVMS:
Table 2 Host mode setting
Host Mode
Setting the UUID
HP recommends that OpenVMS customers use host mode option 33 to enable the UUID feature. This
increases the capabilities for OpenVMS hosts that access the disk array, by:
Allowing the presentation of CU:LDEVs above 7F:FF to the OpenVMS hosts.
Allowing the OpenVMS system administrator to define the DGA device number to present to the
OpenVMS host.
If use of host mode option 33 is enabled after devices are already presented to an OpenVMS host,
HP recommends rebooting the OpenVMS host. Though SYSMAN IO AUTO can be used to discover
new DGA devices, this helps avoid problems with stale data structures within OpenVMS.
SAN boot and UUID with OpenVMS. The UUID can be used with OpenVMS for Integrity servers. This
includes the system disk, quorum disk, and DOSD volumes. However for OpenVMS AlphaServer
hosts, the UUID for those volumes must be set to the decimal value of the hexadecimal value of the
CU:LDEV value. If the CU:LDEV value is 01:FF, then the UUID must be set to 511 (the decimal value
of 01FF). Thus, none of these volumes can have a CU:LDEV value greater than 7F:FF. Additionally,
these volumes must use LUN numbers 1 to 255. These are limitations of the AlphaServer firmware
used (both for the definition of known paths by the wwidmgr and by the boot code).
If host mode option 33 is not set, then the default behavior is to present the volumes to the OpenVMS
host by calculating the decimal value of the hexadecimal CU:LDEV value. That calculated value will
be the value of the DGA device number.
Use this host mode to enable the option that sets the UUID
XP Disk Array Configuration Guide: OpenVMS