Chapter 2 Command Summary
This chapter is a quick reference that summarizes the Counter's
programming commands.
Chapter Summary
Front Panel to SCPI Command Map
HP 53150A/151A/152A Command Summary
SCPI Conformance Information
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
HP 53150A/151A/152A SCPI Subsystem Commands
*RST Response
1 The section titled "Front Panel to SCPI Command Map" provides maps that show the front-panel keys and their
corresponding (or related) SCPI commands.
2 The section titled "HP 53150A/151A/152A Command Summary" lists the IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
and SCPI Subsystem commands in Table 2-1 and Table 2-2, respectively.
3 The section titled "*RST Response," lists the states of all of the commands that are affected by the *RST
command in Table 2-3. This section also lists commands that are unaffected by *RST in Table 2-4.
Programming Guide
pg. 2-3
pg. 2-8
pg. 2-8
pg. 2-9
pg. 2-12
pg. 2-19