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LG Health 概覽 LG Health 概覽 您可以通過保管您的鍛煉記錄來管理您的健康,並保持良好 的鍛煉習慣。 LG Health 入門 LG Health 入門 您可在應用程式初次啟動時或初始化後配置 LG Health。 點擊 LG Health LG Health。 按照螢幕上的說明進行操作以完成配置。 使用 LG Health 使用 LG Health 您可以查看 LG Health 中的主要資訊,以及管理運動量和健康 資訊。 點擊 LG Health LG Health。 執行下列操作: 自訂設計功能...
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:查看您偏好日期的鍛煉日誌。 • :開始跟蹤一項鍛煉。您所進行的每種類型鍛煉的運 動路線和運動量都將被記錄。 • :設置您的每日鍛煉目標,包括卡路里和步數,或設 置多種 LG 健康設定。 • LG Health 提供的健康相關資訊旨在為使用者提供便利,無 法用於疾病預防、治療、診斷或其他醫療問題等目的。 • LG Health 可能會有所不同,也可能會不可用,具體視國 家/地區和服務提供商而定。可用的 LG Health 功能和可以 添加到 LG Health 的應用程式可能會有所不同,具體視國 家/地區而定。這是因為法律和法規有所不同。 勿干擾 勿干擾 您可以限制通知或將其靜音,以在特定時間段避免打擾。 點選 設定 設定 聲音和通知 聲音和通知 勿干擾 勿干擾,然後拖動 以 啟 動它。...
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路。 • 確保該裝置和目標裝置中的檔案共享已啟動。 傳送檔案到電腦 傳送檔案到電腦 您可以迅速地傳送大型檔案到您的電腦。 在您的電腦上安裝 LG Bridge。 在電腦上啟動 LG Bridge,然後使用您的 LG 帳戶登入。 點擊 設定 設定 網絡 網絡 共用與連線 共用與連線 LG AirDrive LG AirDrive,然後使 用您的 LG 帳戶登入。 您可以從 LG Mobile 網站 ( ) 下載 LG Bridge。 • 自訂設計功能...
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一般 備份與重設 備份與重設 LG Backup LG Backup。 按照螢幕上的說明選擇將資料備份到預設資料夾內或是將 資料複製到其他裝置中。 • 初始化您的裝置可能會刪除儲存在內部存放區的備份檔 案。要盡量減少資料遺失,請將重要備份檔案從 LG 內部 存放區的備份資料夾複製到電腦或外部儲存裝置。 • Google 帳戶中的資料不進行備份。當您同步 Google 帳 戶時,Google 應用程式、Google 聯絡人、Google 日 曆、Google 備忘錄應用程式資料以及從 Play 商店下載的應 用程式將自動存儲在驅動器應用程式中。 • 備份檔案的副檔案名是 *.lbf,儲存在記憶卡或內部存放區 的 LG Backup 資料夾下。 • 備份或還原資料之前,將電池充飽電以避免在備份或還原 過程中意外斷電。 有用的應用程式...
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RemoteCall Service RemoteCall Service 可以對您的裝置進行遠端診斷以解決問題。首先,致電 LG 客 戶服務中心,如下所示: • 要使用這功能,首先您必須同意該功能的使用。 • 如果您使用流動數據,可能會依據您的套餐收取數據費 用。 點擊 管理 管理 RemoteCall Service RemoteCall Service。 將通話轉接至 LG 客戶服務中心。 電話接通後,遵循服務人員的指示輸入六位數的存取號 碼。 • 您的裝置已從遠端連線,遠端支援服務亦開始。 LG SmartWorld LG SmartWorld 您可以下載由 LG 電子產品提供的各種遊戲、語音內容、應用 程式及字型。根據您的喜好,使用主螢幕主題、鍵盤主題和 字型來自訂您的裝置。 • 如果您使用流動數據,可能會依據您的套餐收取數據費 用。 •...
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下載 SmartWorld 應用程式 下載 SmartWorld 應用程式 如果 SmartWorld SmartWorld 應用程式並未安裝,請遵循這些步驟進行下 載。 點擊 設定 設定 一般 一般 關於手機 關於手機 通用 通用 更新中心 更新中心 應用 應用 程式更新 程式更新。 從清單選擇 SmartWorld SmartWorld,然後點選下載 下載。 Google 應用程式 Google 應用程式 您可以透過設定一個 Google 帳戶來使用 Google 應用程式。當您 第一次使用 Google 應用程式時,會自動顯示 Google 帳戶註冊視 窗。如果您沒有...
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Google Google 使用 Google 提供的搜索功能,通過輸入關鍵字或通過語音搜 索網址和儲存在裝置中的檔案。 Hangouts Hangouts 交換訊息。撥打視訊電話給個人或群組。 地圖 地圖 在地圖上尋找您的所在位置或某個地方的位置。檢視地理資 料。 Play 電影 Play 電影 使用您的 Google 帳戶來租看或購買電影。購買內容及隨處播 放。 相簿 相簿 檢視或分享儲存在您的裝置的照片或相簿。 Play 音樂 Play 音樂 從 Play Store Play Store 購買音樂檔案。播放儲存在您的裝置上的音樂檔 案。 試算表 試算表 建立試算表或編輯線上建立或來自其他裝置的試算表。與其 他用戶共用及編輯試算表。 簡報 簡報...
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連接到裝置後,該裝置會顯現裝置的螢幕。 • 如果附近沒有共用相容的裝置,Miracast 會自動關閉。 LG AirDrive LG AirDrive 您可以在電腦上使用您的 LG 帳戶來管理儲存在裝置中的檔 案。您不需要有 USB 連線。 在設定螢幕,點選網絡 網絡 共用與連線 共用與連線 LG AirDrive LG AirDrive。 使用一個 LG 帳戶登入到電腦上的 LG Bridge 和裝置上的 LG AirDrive LG AirDrive。 • LG Bridge 軟體可以從 下載。 從電腦管理裝置上的檔案。 電話設定...
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LG Bridge 概覽 LG Bridge 是一款應用程式,用於協助您從電腦上方便地管理 保存到 LG 智慧手機上的照片、歌曲、視頻和檔案。您可以將 聯絡人、照片和其他備份到電腦上,或者更新裝置的軟體。 • 請參閱 LG Bridge 説明以瞭解詳細資訊。 • 受支援的特性視裝置而定。 • LG USB 驅動器是連接您的 LG 智慧手機和電腦的必要程 式,該驅動器隨您安裝 LG Bridge 時便一同安裝。 LG Bridge 功能 LG Bridge 功能 • 通過 Wi-Fi 連接或流動數據連接從電腦上管理裝置檔案。 • 通過 USB 連接線從裝置上將資料備份到電腦或從電腦上將 資料還原到裝置。...
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通過電腦瀏覽 。 在搜索欄中,輸入您的裝置名稱。 點擊支援 支援 PC Sync PC Sync windos windos LG Bridge LG Bridge,然後下載安裝文 件。 • 點擊詳細資料 詳細資料以查看安裝 LG Bridge 的最低要求。 電話軟體更新 電話軟體更新 從網際網路更新 LG 流動電話軟體 從網際網路更新 LG 流動電話軟體 如需更多有關使用此功能的資訊,請造訪 ,選擇您的國家/地區和語 言。 此功能可讓您從網際網路方便地將電話中的軟體更新為較新 版本而無需造訪服務中心。此功能僅當 LG 為您的裝置提供較 新的軟體版本時可用。...
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透過 Over-the-Air (OTA) 進行 LG 流動電話軟體 透過 Over-the-Air (OTA) 進行 LG 流動電話軟體 更新 更新 此功能可讓您通過 OTA 方便地將手機軟體更新為較新版本, 而無需使用 USB 電線。此功能僅當 LG 為您的裝置提供較新 的軟體版本時可用。 首先查看您的流動電話的軟體版本: 設定 設定 一般 一般 關於手機 關於手機 通用 通用 更新中心 更新中心 軟體更新 軟體更新 現在 現在 檢查更新 檢查更新。...
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• 确保该设备和目标设备中的文件分享已启动。 • 将文件发送到计算机 将文件发送到计算机 您可以将大型文件快速发送到计算机。 在计算机上安装 LG Bridge。 在计算机上启动 LG Bridge,然后使用 LG 账户登录。 点击 设置 设置 网络 网络 共享与连接 共享与连接 LG AirDrive LG AirDrive, 然后使用 LG 账户登录。 您可以从 LG Mobile 网站 ( ) 下载 LG • Bridge。 自定义设计功能...
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常规 常规 备份与重置 备份与重置 LG备份 LG备份。 按照屏幕上的说明选择将数据备份到预设文件夹内或是将 数据复制到其他设备中。 初始化您的装置可能会删除储存在内部存放区的备份文件。 • 若要尽量减少数据遗失,请将重要备份文件从 LG Backup 文件夹复制到计算机或外部储存装置。 Google 帐户中的数据不进行备份。当您同步 Google 帐 • 户时,Google 应用程序、Google 联系人、Google 日 历、Google 备忘录应用程序数据以及从 Play 商店下载的 应用程序将自动存储在驱动器应用程序中。 备份文件以文件扩展名 *.lbf 保存在储存卡或内部存储中 • 的 LG Backup 文件夹下。 备份或还原数据之前,将电池充满电,以免在该过程中意 • 外断电。 有用的应用程序...
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• 流量费用。 点击 手机管理 手机管理 RemoteCall Service RemoteCall Service。 接通到 LG 客户服务中心的通话。 通话接通后,按照客户服务专员的指示进行操作,输入六 位接入码。 您的设备将远程连接并远程支持服务启动。 • LG SmartWorld LG SmartWorld 您可以下载 LG Electronics 提供的各种游戏、音频内容、 应用程序和字体。通过使用主屏幕主题、键盘主题和字体, 自定义您的设备以适应您的首选项。 如果您使用移动数据,将可能根据您购买的套餐收取数据 • 流量费用。 此功能可能不受支持,具体视区域或服务供应商而定。 • 点击 LG LG SmartWorld SmartWorld。 点击 LG 帐号 LG 帐号,然后登录。...
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如果没有安装 SmartWorld SmartWorld 应用程序,请按照以下步骤操作 以下载该应用程序。 点击 设置 设置 常规 常规 关于手机 关于手机 常用 常用 更新中心 更新中心 应用程序更新 应用程序更新。 从列表中,选择 SmartWorld SmartWorld,然后点击下载 下载。 Google 应用程序 Google 应用程序 通过设置 Google 帐户,您可以使用 Google 应用程序。初 次使用 Google 应用程序时,将自动显示 Google 帐户注册 窗口。如果您没有 Google 帐户,请从您的设备创建一个帐 户。请参阅应用程序中的帮助以查看有关如何使用应用程序 的详细信息。...
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Google Google 使用 Google 提供的搜索功能,通过输入关键字或通过语音搜 索网址和储存在设备中的文件。 环聊 环聊 交换信息。与个人或组进行视频通话。 地图 地图 找出您的位置或地图上某个地点的位置。查看地理信息。 Play 影视 Play 影视 使用您的 Google 帐户租借或购买电影。购买内容,然后在 任意位置进行播放。 照片 照片 查看或共享设备上保存的照片或相册。 Play 音乐 Play 音乐 从 Play 商店购买音乐文件。播放设备上保存的音乐文件。 表格 表格 创建电子表格,或者编辑在线创建或来自其他设备的电子表 格。与其他人一起共享和编辑电子表格。 幻灯片 幻灯片 创建演示材料,或者编辑在线创建或来自其他设备的演示材 料。与其他人一起共享和编辑演示材料。 YouTube YouTube 搜索和播放视频。上传...
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如果附近没有共享兼容设备,Miracast 会自动关闭。 • LG AirDrive LG AirDrive 您可以从计算机使用您的 LG 帐户来管理设备上保存的文 件。您无需 USB 连接。 在设置屏幕中,点击网络 网络 共享与连接 共享与连接 LG AirDrive LG AirDrive。 使用一个 LG 帐户登录到计算机上的 LG Bridge 和设备上 的 LG AirDrive LG AirDrive。 LG Bridge 软件可从 下载。 • 从计算机管理设备上的文件。 手机设置...
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USB 绑定 您可以通过 USB 将设备连接到其他设备并共享移动数据。 通过 USB 数据线将您的装置和其他装置连接。 在设置屏幕,点击网络 网络 绑定 绑定 USB 绑定 USB 绑定,然后拖动 以启用它。 此选项使用移动数据,并可能会根据您购买的价格配套收取 • 数据流量费用。请咨询服务供应商了解更多信息。 当您以电脑连接上网时,请从 将 USB 驱动器 • 下载到您的电脑。 您不能在开启 USB 共享网络功能时发送或接收文件。关闭 • USB 绑定功能以共享文件。 支持共享网络的操作系统包括 Window XP 或更高版本或 • Linux。 手机设置...
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LG Bridge 概览 LG Bridge 是一款应用程序,用于协助您从计算机上方便地 管理保存到 LG 智能手机上的照片、歌曲、视频和文件。您 可以将联系人、照片和其他备份到计算机上,或者更新设备 的软件。 请参阅 LG Bridge 帮助以了解详细信息。 • 受支持的特性视设备而定。 • LG USB 驱动器是连接您的 LG 智能手机和计算机的必要程 • 序,该驱动器随您安装 LG Bridge 时便一同安装。 LG Bridge 功能 LG Bridge 功能 通过 WLAN 连接或移动数据连接从计算机上管理设备文 • 件。 通过 USB 连接数据线从设备上将数据备份到计算机或从计...
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在计算机上安装 LG Bridge 在计算机上安装 LG Bridge 通过计算机浏览 。 点击售后服务中心,软件&固件升级,输入您产品的型号。 点击电脑同步软件 电脑同步软件,然后下载安装文件。 点击详细信息 详细信息以查看安装 LG Bridge 的最低要求。 • 手机软件更新 手机软件更新 从互联网更新 LG 移动电话软件 从互联网更新 LG 移动电话软件 欲知有关如何使用此功能的更多信息,请浏览 ,选择您的国家/地区 和语言。 此功能可让您从互联网方便地将手机中的固件更新为较新版 本而无需到服务中心寻求协助。此功能仅当 LG 为您的设备 提供较新的固件版本时可用。 由于移动电话固件更新要求用户在更新过程全神贯注,因此 请确保查看每一步显示的所有说明和备注,然后再继续。请 注意,更新期间拔下 USB 数据线可能会严重损坏您的移动电...
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通过 Over-the-Air (OTA) 进行 LG 移动电话 通过 Over-the-Air (OTA) 进行 LG 移动电话 软件更新 软件更新 此功能可让您通过 OTA 方便地将手机软件更新为较新版本, 而无需使用 USB 数据线。此功能仅当 LG 为您的设备提供较 新的固件版本时可用。 首先检查移动电话上的软件版本: 设置 设置 常规 常规 关于手机 关于手机 常用 常用 更新中心 更新中心 软件更新 软件更新 现在检查更新 现在检查更新。 更新手机软件的过程中,手机内部存储中您的个人数据(包 •...
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ENGLISH About this user guide Thank you for choosing this LG product. Please carefully read this user guide before using the device for the first time to ensure safe and proper use. • Always use genuine LG accessories. The supplied items are designed only for this device and may not be compatible with other devices.
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Instructional notices WARNING: Situations that could cause injury to the user and third parties. CAUTION: Situations that may cause minor injury or damage to the device. NOTE: Notices or additional information. About this user guide...
Multi-tasking feature Home screen Smart Bulletin Screen lock Smart Notice Device encryption Smart Doctor Memory card encryption quick share Taking screenshots Quick Help Entering text QuickRemote QuickMemo+ QSlide LG Health Do not disturb Ringtone ID Fingerprint recognition Content sharing Dual Play...
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Calculator Display Weather General Downloads Clock Voice Recorder Music E-mail Contacts Calendar Appendix File Manager LG Language Settings Tasks LG Bridge Evernote Phone software update Facebook Instagram Anti-Theft Guide FM Radio More information LG Backup RemoteCall Service Table of contents...
ID position in sudden call drop and applications loaded. The log is used only to help determine the cause of the fault. These logs are encrypted and can only be accessed by an authorised LG Repair centre should you need to return your device for repair.
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Product care and maintenance • Always use genuine LG batteries, chargers and accessories approved for use with this particular device model. The use of any other types may invalidate any approval or warranty applying to the device and may be dangerous.
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• Use a dry cloth to clean the exterior of the unit (do not use solvents such as benzene, thinner or alcohol). • Do not charge the device when it is on soft furnishings. • The device should be charged in a well ventilated area. •...
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Efficient device operation Electronics devices All devices may receive interference, which could affect performance. • Do not use your device near medical equipment without requesting permission. Avoid placing the device over pacemakers, for example, in your breast pocket. • Some hearing aids might be disturbed by devices. •...
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Avoid damage to your hearing To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods. Damage to your hearing can occur if you are exposed to loud sound for long periods of time. We therefore recommend that you do not turn on or off the handset close to your ear.
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You do not need to completely discharge the battery before recharging. Unlike other battery systems, there is no memory effect that could compromise the battery’s performance. • Use only LG batteries and chargers. LG chargers are designed to maximise the battery life. • Do not disassemble or short-circuit the battery.
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Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions. • If you need to replace the battery, take it to the nearest authorised LG Electronics service point or dealer for assistance. •...
• Removing the battery Installing the battery for details. • Available accessories, which are called LG Friends, are optional. • To purchase optional accessories, contact an LG Customer Service Centre. • Available accessories may vary depending on the area or service provider.
Settings Display Always-on display and then drag to activate it. • This feature may be turned on when you purchase the device. • The default setting may vary depending on the area and service provider. Tap Set what to show and select items to display on the turned- off screen.
135º Wide-angle lens You can use the wide-angle lens to take photos of a range that is wider than the actual field of vision. This feature is useful when you take a photo or record a video of a landscape or a wide area from a narrow area.
Pop-out Picture You can make your photo as if in a frame: you can take both a normal and wide-angle photo at the same time. Make your photo popping and standing out against these four background frame effects: Fisheye, B&W, Vignette, and Lens blur. •...
Multi-tasking feature Multi-Window You can use two apps at the same time by separating the screen into the multiple windows. While using an app, tap and hold from the Home touch buttons, then select an app from the recently used apps list. •...
Overview screen The Overview screen provides a preview of your recently used apps. To view the list of recently used apps, tap on the Home, then tap the displayed app. • Tap and hold an app and drag it to the top of the screen to start the app with the Multi-Window.
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Use Smart Notice as: • Automatic reminders to add frequently used unsaved numbers to contacts. • Automatic reminders to make a call to a number you did not call back after sending a reject message. • Automatic reminders of the birthday of a contact saved in the calendar and the contact list.
Smart Doctor You can use Smart Doctor to diagnose the device’s condition and optimise it. Settings General Smart Doctor. Use desired functions. • Optimize phone: Close currently unused apps and clean up temporary files to improve device performance. • Diagnose: Analyse the battery, mobile data, apps, network status, and use patterns to view device management information.
quick share You can share a photo or video to the app you want immediately after taking them. , then take a photo or record a video. Drag the quick share icon that appears after taking a picture or recording a video, and select an app to share it. Alternatively, tap and hold the Preview icon that appears after taking a picture or recording a video, and drag it to the quick share icon.
Quick Help You can view the main features of the device, frequently asked questions or user guide. By entering keywords about the difficulties in using with the device after you buy it or any other queries, you can view useful information including answers to frequently asked questions or instructions in the user guide.
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Registering a device for remote control You can register a device you want to control remotely with your device. LG QuickRemote. to specify locations where you want to use the remote control. and select the type and manufacturer of the device you want to remotely control.
QuickMemo+ QuickMemo+ overview You can make creative notes by using a variety options on this advanced feature of notepad, such as image management and screenshots, which are not supported by the conventional notepad. Creating a note QuickMemo+. to create a note. •...
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Writing notes on a screenshot While viewing the screen you want to capture, drag the status bar downwards and then tap • The screenshot appears as the notepad background theme. Memo tools appear at the top of the screen. Take notes on the captured screen. •...
QSlide You can start apps by using QSlide to use them while other apps are running. For example, use the calculator or calendar when a video is playing. When an app is running, tap QSlide. • This feature may not be supported by some apps. •...
You can manage your health and maintain good exercise habits by keeping track of the exercises you do. Getting started with LG Health You can configure LG Health when launching the app for the first time or after initialising it. LG Health.
LG Health may vary or may not be available, depending on the country and service provider. LG Health functions that are available and apps that can be added to LG Health may vary, depending on the country. This is due to differing laws and regulations.
To enhance the device security, set the screen lock to a pattern, PIN, Knock Code or password. • If your fingerprint is unrecognised or if you forget screen lock, bring your device to the nearest LG Customer Service Centre. Custom-designed Features...
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Precautions for fingerprint recognition Fingerprint recognition accuracy may decrease. To maximise recognition accuracy, check the following before using the device. • The device's Power/Lock key has a fingerprint sensor. Ensure that the Power/Lock key is not damaged by a metallic object, such as coin or key.
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Registering fingerprints You can register and save your fingerprint on the device to use fingerprint identification. Settings General Fingerprints & security Fingerprints. • To use this feature, make sure that screen lock is set. If a screen lock is not set, set the screen lock following the guide on the screen. See Configuring screen lock settings for details.
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Follow the on-screen instructions. • Repeat scanning the fingerprint by moving your finger little by little until the fingerprint registers. When the fingerprint registration is done, tap OK. • Tap ADD MORE to register another fingerprint. If you register only one fingerprint and the corresponding finger is not in a good condition, the fingerprint recognition may not work well.
Content sharing Playing content from another device You can play photos, videos or songs saved on your device from a TV. Connect the TV and your device to the same Wi-Fi network. While viewing the items from the Gallery or Music app, tap Play on other device.
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Sending or receiving files You can share files between your device and another LG device, or a tablet or computer. Sending files From the Gallery, File Manager or Music app, tap Share or then select a device on the file sharing list.
Viewing content from your cloud You can directly view the content saved on your cloud account, without downloading it to your device. From the Gallery, Music or File Manager app, select Cloud. Select a cloud account and sign in. Save or play content in your cloud. Dual Play You can display your device screen on a connected display device and use different apps from the device.
• Always use genuine LG Electronics accessories. Using accessories made by other manufacturers may affect your device's call performance or cause malfunctions. This may not be covered by LG's repair service. • If any of these basic items are missing, contact the dealer from which you purchased your device.
Parts overview IR sensor Microphone Stereo headset jack Earpiece Front camera lens Proximity/Ambient light LED indicator sensor Volume keys (+/-) Touch screen SIM/Memory card tray Module eject key Module Charger/USB cable port Flash RGB sensor Rear camera lens Rear camera lens (General) (Wide-angle) Laser detection auto-focus...
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• Proximity/Ambient light sensor - Proximity sensor: During a call, the proximity sensor turns off the screen and disables touch functionality when the device is in close proximity to the human body. It turns the screen back on and enables touch functionality when the device is outside a specific range.
• Some functions may be restricted for access, depending on the device specifications. • An NFC antenna is built into the back of the device. Do not damage the NFC antenna. • Do not put heavy objects on the device or sit on it. Failure to do so may damage the touch screen feature.
Installing the SIM card Properly use the SIM card provided by your service provider. Insert the ejection pin into the hole on the card tray. Pull out the card tray. Put the SIM card on the card tray with the gold-coloured contacts facing downwards.
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Precautions when using SIM card • Do not lose your SIM card. LG is not responsible for damage and other issues caused by loss or transfer of a SIM card. • Be careful not to damage the SIM card when you insert or remove...
Inserting the memory card The device supports up to a 2 TB microSD. Some memory cards may not be compatible with your device, depending on the memory card manufacturer and type. • Some memory cards may not be fully compatible with the device. If you use an incompatible card, it may damage the device or the memory card, or corrupt the data stored in it.
Do not remove the memory card while the device is transferring or accessing information. This may cause data to be lost or corrupted, or may damage the memory card or the device. LG is not responsible for losses that result from the abuse or improper use of memory cards, including the loss of data.
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Grab the middle of the ejected module and pull it out from the device. Hold the battery and module with both hands and separate them from one another in the direction of the arrow. • Do not bend the battery when removing it. The plastic cap on the battery may be damaged.
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To purchase additional batteries or compatible optional items, contact an LG Customer Service Centre for support. • Be sure to use authentic accessories provided by LG Electronics. Using third-party accessories may damage the device or cause malfunctions. Align the indicated arrows correctly and insert the battery into the module according to the order indicated in the image.
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Precautions when using the module • When inserting the battery into the device, make sure that the battery is attached to the module. Inserting the battery without the module attached may damage the device. • When replacing the battery, take extra care to ensure that no foreign substance or water enters the device.
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Make sure to use the USB cable provided as a basic accessory. • Make sure to use an LG-approved charger, battery and charging cable. Charging the battery with a third-party charger may cause the battery to explode or may damage the device.
Using the battery efficiently Battery lifespan may decrease if you keep many apps and functions running simultaneously and continuously. Cancel background operations to increase battery life. To minimise battery consumption, follow these tips: ® • Turn off the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi network function when not using them.
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Tapping and holding Tap and hold for several seconds to run a hidden function. Double-tapping Tap twice quickly to zoom in or out on a photo or map. Dragging Tap an item, such as an app or widget, then move your finger to another location in a controlled motion.
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Swiping Tap the screen with your finger and move it quickly without pausing. You can use this gesture to scroll through a list, a web page, photos, screens, and more. Pinching and spreading Pinch two fingers to zoom out such as on a photo or map. To zoom in, spread your fingers apart.
• A touch screen failure may occur if you use the device near a magnetic, metallic or conductive material. • If you use the device under bright lights, such as direct sunlight, the screen may not be visible, depending on your position. Use the device in a shady location or a location with an ambient light that is not too bright and bright enough to read books.
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Home screen layout You can view all apps and organise widgets and folders on the Home screen. Status bar Widget Folder Page icon Quick access area Home touch buttons • The Home screen may vary, depending on the service provider or software version.
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Use the CLEAR ALL option to delete all recently used apps. : Choose which SIM card you are going to use. Tap and hold to configure the Dual SIM card settings. Editing Home touch buttons You can rearrange Home touch buttons or add frequently used functions to Home touch buttons.
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• : Missed calls • : Wi-Fi is on • : Mute mode is on • : GPS is on • : Hotspot is on • : No SIM card • : NFC is on • Some of these icons may appear differently or may not appear at all, depending on the device's status.
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Switching the screen orientation You can set the screen orientation to automatically switch, according to the device's orientation. On the notification panel, tap Rotation from the quick access icon list. Alternatively, tap Settings Display and activate Auto-rotate screen. Editing the Home screen On the Home screen, tap and hold on an empty space, then select the desired action from below.
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Viewing the background theme You can view only the background image by hiding apps and widgets on the Home screen. Spread two fingers apart while holding down on the Home screen. • To return to the original screen which displays apps and widgets, pinch your fingers on the Home screen or tap Moving apps on the Home screen On the Home screen, tap and hold an app, then drag it to another...
Editing folders On the Home screen, tap a folder and then run the desired function. • To edit the folder name and colour, tap the folder name. • To remove an app from the folder, tap and hold the app and drag it to outside the folder.
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To ensure security and prevent unwanted access to your device, set a screen lock. • Screen lock prevents unnecessary touch input on the device screen and reduces battery consumption. We recommend that you activate the screen lock while not using the device. Configuring screen lock settings There are several options available for configuring the screen lock settings.
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• If you forget your decryption password, you cannot restore encrypted data and personal information. Lock screen settings You can customise the following lock screen settings. Settings Display Lock screen. Customise settings: • Select screen lock: Select a screen lock method. •...
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You can turn the screen on or off by double-tapping the screen. • This option is available only on the Home screen provided by LG. It may not function properly on a custom launcher or on the Home screen installed by the user.
Creating a Knock Code Settings Display Lock screen Select screen lock Knock Code. Tap the squares in a pattern of your choice to create a Knock Code and tap NEXT. Input the created Knock Code again for verification, then tap CONFIRM.
Precautions for device encryption You can use the mobile phone lock on the lock screen to increase your device's protection level. • If the mobile phone lock is turned on and an incorrect password is entered more than a specified number of times, the device will automatically initialise.
• Encrypted files are accessible only from the device where the files were encrypted. • The encrypted memory card cannot be used on another LG device. To use the encrypted memory card on another mobile device, initialise the card. •...
• When the screen is turned off or locked, you can access Capture+ by pressing the Volume Up (+) key twice. First, tap Settings General and then turn on Shortcut keys. Writing notes on a screenshot • for details. Entering text Using Smart keyboard You can use Smart keyboard to enter and edit text.
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• This option is available only on the QWERTY keyboard. Suggesting words Smart keyboard automatically analyses your usage patterns to suggest frequently used words as you type. The longer you use your device, the more precise the suggestions are. Enter text, then tap a suggested word or gently drag the left or right side of the space bar upwards.
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Changing the QWERTY keyboard layout You can add, delete or rearrange keys on the bottom row of the keyboard. Settings General Language & keyboard LG Keyboard Keyboard height and layout QWERTY keyboard layout. Alternatively, tap on the keyboard and tap Keyboard height and layout QWERTY keyboard layout.
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Splitting the keyboard You can split the keyboard in half and place each piece on either side of the screen when the screen is in landscape mode. Settings General Language & keyboard LG Keyboard Keyboard height and layout Split keyboard. Alternatively, tap on the keyboard and tap Keyboard height and layout Split keyboard.
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One-handed operation mode You can move the keyboard to one side of the screen so that you can use the keyboard with one hand. Settings General Language & keyboard LG Keyboard Keyboard height and layout One-handed operation. Alternatively, tap on the keyboard and tap Keyboard height and layout One-handed operation.
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Changing the keyboard You can change the input language and the keyboard type for each language. Settings General Language & keyboard LG Keyboard Select languages. Select a language and customise the keyboard type. Copy and Paste You can cut or copy text from an app, and then paste the text into the same app.
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Clip Tray If you copy or cut an image or text, it is automatically saved to the clip tray and can be pasted to any space at any time. On the keyboard, tap and hold and select Alternatively, tap and hold the text input window, then select CLIP TRAY.
Installing and uninstalling apps Installing apps Access an app store to search and download apps. • You can use SmartWorld, Play Store or the app store provided by your service provider. • Some app stores may require you to create an account and sign in. •...
Uninstalling apps from the app store To uninstall an app, access the app store from which you download the app and uninstall it. Uninstalled apps You can view the uninstalled apps on the Home screen. You can also reinstall apps which were uninstalled within 24 hours from now. Uninstalled apps.
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• Search for a contact by tapping the initial letter of a contact name in the contact list, and then tap • To enter "+" when making an international call, tap and hold number • Adding contacts to the speed dial list for details on how to add phone numbers to the speed dial list.
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Viewing missed calls If there is a missed call, the status bar at the top of the screen displays To view missed call details, drag the status bar downwards. Alternatively, tap Call logs. Functions accessible during a call During a call, you can access a variety of functions by tapping on- screen buttons: •...
• You may be charged a fee for each call. Consult with your service provider for more information. Viewing call records To view recent call records, tap Call logs. Then, you can use the following functions: • To view detailed call records, select a contact. To make a call to the selected contact, tap •...
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Specify a recipient and create a message. • To attach files, tap • To access optional menu items, tap . Tap Send to send the message. Reading a message You can view exchanged messages organised by contact. Select a contact from the message list. Configuring messaging settings You can change messaging settings to suit your preferences.
Camera Starting the camera You can take a photo or record a video to keep the memorable moments. • Before taking a photo, wipe the camera lens with a microfibre cloth. If your finger touches the camera lens, you may get blurry photos. •...
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• Use the front camera to take selfies. See Taking selfies for details. Switch to dual camera You can use the dual (second) camera on the back to take photos by using either the general or wide-angle lens. to switch the general and wide-angle camera. Zoom in or out You can use zoom in or out on the camera screen while taking a picture or recording a video.
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Auto mode You can take photos or record videos by selecting a variety of shooting modes and options. On the camera screen, tap To take a photo, tap . Or to record a video, tap Switch between the wide-angle camera and general Select a camera camera.
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• To pause the video recording, tap . To resume the video recording, tap to end the video recording. Pop-out Picture You can take a photo or record a video by using both the general and wide-angle lens of the dual camera at the back of the device to shoot the scenes as if they were put in the frame.
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Multi-view You can take multiple photos or videos in the form of a collage by using the front and rear cameras. Photos and videos can be saved with different layouts. In the Auto mode, tap MODE and select a layout. to take photos, according to the on-screen instructions.
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Snap You can record short videos clips and assemble them into a 60-second short film. On the camera screen, tap MODE • Tap the icon once to record a three-second video clip. Tap and hold the icon to create a longer video clip (maximum length: one minute).
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Slow-motion Video You can create an entertaining video by changing the moving speeds of subjects in your video. This feature allows you to record a video at a faster rate of speed and then play it at the normal speed so that the video appears to be slowed down.
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• This function is available when using multi-view or snap. • The LG Friends cameras that can be connected with the device are optional accessories. Consult with LG Customer Service Centre for purchasing. • This function may not be supported or some options may differ, depending on the area or service provider.
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Set the timer to automatically take photos after a specified period of time. Take photos with voice commands. (Available choices: cheese, smile, whisky, kimchi, LG) Reduce motion blur when taking a photo or recording a video: • : Record a video stably when you are moving or walking.
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Flip images. These options appear when using the front camera. • : Do not flip the image. • : Flip the image horizontally. Applying film effects You can apply filters of various colours to photos. In the Auto mode or Manual mode, tap Select the desired film effect.
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with the JPEG file. The DNG file is a file format that saves data in an uncompressed high resolution format. In Manual mode, tap to turn on • If you take photos when is displayed, the images are saved as JPEG and DNG files.
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• To use this function, make sure that is selected in camera options. • An alternative way to take gesture shots is to clench your fist and then open it towards the front camera. • Make sure that your palm and fist are within the reference line so that the camera can detect them.
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• , then tap until appears to activate the auto-selfie function. Gesture view After taking a selfie with the front camera, you can preview the selfie immediately by placing the screen close to your face. • To use this function, make sure that is selected in camera options.
Gallery Gallery overview You can view and manage photos and videos saved on your device. • Saved photos and videos are displayed by the folder. Tap a folder and select a file. • View the selected file in full-screen mode. •...
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• To save the edited photo as another file, tap Save copy. Playing a video Edit the video. Access additional Add or delete options. favourites. Open with QSlide. Lock or unlock the Adjust the sound screen. volume. Fast-forward the Rewind the video. video.
Deleting files You can delete files by using one of the following options: • Tap and hold a file from the file list, then tap Delete. • from the file list and delete the desired files. • Deleted files are automatically moved to Trash and they can be restored to the Gallery within 7 days.
Downloads You can view, delete or share files downloaded via the Internet or apps. Tools Downloads. Clock Alarm You can set an alarm to trigger it at a specified time. Tools Clock Alarm. to add a new alarm. Configure the alarm settings and tap SAVE. •...
and add a city. Timer You can set the timer to trigger an alarm after a specified period of time. Tools Clock Timer. Set the time and tap Start. • To suspend the timer, tap Pause. To resume the timer, tap Resume.
, recorded voice files appear. You can play a recorded voice file from the list. Music You can play and manage music files saved on your device. LG Music. Select a category. Select a music file. Back to the previous Switch to the playlist.
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Registering email accounts When you use the email app for the first time, register your email account. LG E-mail. Select an email service provider. Enter your email address and password and then tap NEXT to register your account.
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Managing email accounts To view or edit your email account settings, tap Settings. • To add an account, tap Add account. • To delete an account, tap Remove account. Opening another email account If several email accounts are registered and you want to view another account, tap and select another one from the account list.
Contacts Contacts overview You can save and manage contacts. LG Contacts. Adding contacts Adding new contacts On the contact list screen, tap Enter contact details and tap SAVE. Importing contacts You can import contacts from another storage device. On the contact list screen, tap Manage contacts Import.
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Contacts list Editing contacts On the contact list screen, select a contact. On the contact detail screen, tap and edit details. Tap SAVE to save changes. Deleting contacts On the contact list screen, tap and hold a contact. Tap Delete contact. Adding favourites You can register frequently used contacts as favourites.
Calendar Calendar overview You can use the calendar to manage events and tasks. Adding events Calendar. Select a date and then tap Enter event details and tap SAVE. • If you tap a date from the calendar and the date contains events, a pop-up window appears showing a list of the events.
events. Some devices may not support the Facebook event information function. • : View tourism information about the surrounding area, such as restaurants and convenient facilities, to plan an event. • : Manage tasks that have no deadline, such as events. File Manager You can view and manage files saved on your device or cloud.
• Initialising your device may delete backup files saved in internal storage. To minimise data loss, copy important backup files from the LG Backup folder in the internal storage to a computer or external storage. Useful Apps...
Google calendar, Google memo app data and apps downloaded from Play store are stored on the Drive app automatically. • Backup files are saved with the file extension *.lbf under the LG Backup folder on the memory card or internal storage. •...
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This feature may not be supported depending on the area or service provider. LG SmartWorld. LG Account, then sign in. Select and download content items. Downloading SmartWorld app If SmartWorld app is not installed, follow these steps to download it.
Google apps You can use Google apps by setting a Google account. The Google account registration window appears automatically when you use a Google app for the first time. If you do not have a Google account, create one from your device. For details on how to use an app, see the Help in the app.
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Google Use the Google to search for web pages, images, news and more by entering or speaking keywords. Hangouts Exchange messages. Make a video call with an individual or a group. Maps Find your location or the location of a place on the map. View geographical information.
Settings You can customise the device settings in accordance with your preferences. Settings. • and enter a keyword in the search box to access a setting item. • to change the view mode. This user guide assumes that you are using the Tab view. Networks Dual SIM card You can configure Dual SIM settings.
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area. Wi-Fi You can connect to nearby devices over a Wi-Fi network. Connecting to a Wi-Fi network On the settings screen, tap Networks Wi-Fi. Drag to activate it. • Available Wi-Fi networks appear automatically. Select a network. • You may need to enter the network's Wi-Fi password. •...
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Select a device. • Connection occurs when the device accepts the connection request. • The battery may drain faster when using Wi-Fi Direct. Bluetooth You can connect your device to nearby devices that support Bluetooth to exchange data with them. Connect your device to a Bluetooth headset and a keyboard.
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• This step is skipped for previously accessed devices. Sending data via Bluetooth Select a file. • You can send multimedia files or contacts. Bluetooth. Select a target device for the file. • The file is sent as soon as the target device accepts it. •...
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Call You can customise call settings, such as voice call and international call options. • Some features may not be supported depending on the area or service provider. On the settings screen, tap Networks Call. Customise the settings. You can use the device as a transportation card or credit card. You can also share data with other device.
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Touch the back of the device with other device. • NFC antenna may be located differently depending on the device type. File sharing You can send and receive files between your device and other LG devices or tablets. • Sending or receiving files for details.
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Customise the following settings: • Content sharing: Share content on your device with nearby devices. • G5: Set your device's name. • Content to share: Select the type of media content to share with other devices. • Allowed devices: View a list of devices permitted to access content on your device.
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LG AirDrive You can use your LG account to manage files saved on the device from a computer. You do not need a USB connection. On the settings screen, tap Networks Share & connect LG AirDrive. Use a single LG account to sign in to LG Bridge on the computer and LG AirDrive on the device.
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Printing You can connect your device to a Bluetooth printer and print photos or documents saved on the device. On the settings screen, tap Networks Share & connect Printing. • If the desired printer is not in the list, install the printer driver from the app store.
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• When connecting to a computer, download the USB driver from and install it on the computer. • You cannot send or receive files between your device and a computer while USB tethering is turned on. Turn off USB tethering to send or receive files.
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Wi-Fi hotspot You can set the device as a wireless router so that other devices can connect to the internet by using your device's mobile data. On the settings screen, tap Networks Tethering Wi-Fi hotspot and then drag to activate it. Tap Set up Wi-Fi hotspot, and enter the Wi-Fi ID (SSID) and password.
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Bluetooth tethering A Bluetooth-connected device can connect to the internet by using your device's mobile data. On the settings screen, tap Networks Tethering Bluetooth tethering and then drag to activate it. Turn on Bluetooth on both devices, and pair them. •...
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Mobile networks You can customise mobile data settings. On the settings screen, tap Networks More Mobile networks. Customise the following settings: • Network mode: Select a network type. • Access Point Names: View or change the access point for using mobile data services.
Configuring VPN settings Tap a VPN from the VPNS list. Enter the VPN user account details and tap CONNECT. • To save the account details, select the Save account information checkbox. Sound & notification You can customise sound, vibrate and notification settings. On the settings screen, tap Sound &...
• Notification LED: Indicate device status via LED. • More SIM1 notification sound/SIM2 notification sound: Select a notification ringtone. Set music saved on the device as a notification ringtone. • More Vibrate on tap: Set the device to vibrate when you tap certain items on screen.
Language: Select a language to apply for the device. • Current keyboard: View the keyboard type currently in use. Select a keyboard to use when entering text. • LG Keyboard: Customise LG keyboard settings. • Google voice typing: Configure the options for text dictation by Google. Phone Settings...
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• Text-to-speech output: Configure the settings for text-to- speech output. • Pointer speed: Adjust the pointer speed of a mouse or trackpad. • Reverse buttons: Reverse the right mouse button to perform primary direct-manipulation actions. Location You can customise how your location information is used by particular apps.
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• ADD ACCOUNT: Add accounts. Cloud You can register a cloud account and view content saved on your computer or cloud from the device. On the settings screen, tap General Cloud. Customise the settings. Users You can add users to share your device with them. On the settings screen, tap General Users.
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• Vision Screen colour inversion: Increase the display colour contrast for people with low vision. • Vision Screen colour adjustment: Adjust the display colour. • Vision Grayscale: Switch the screen to greyscale mode. • Vision End calls with the Power key: End a call by pressing the Power/Lock key.
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by touch input. • Accessibility features shortcut: Quickly access a frequently used function by tapping three times. • Auto-rotate screen: Automatically change the screen orientation according to the physical position of the device. • Switch Access: Create key combinations to control your device. Shortcut keys You can use the volume keys to directly launch apps when the screen is turned off or locked.
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another device. See Memory card encryption for details. • Secure start-up: Protect your device with a lock when it powers Secure start-up settings on. See for details. • Set up SIM card lock: Lock or unlock the USIM card, or change the password (PIN).
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Customise the settings. Storage You can view and manage internal storage on the device or storage space of the memory card. On the settings screen, tap General Storage. Customise the following settings: • DEVICE STORAGE: View the total storage space and free space in the device’s internal storage.
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Memory You can view the average amount of memory usage over a certain period of time and the memory occupied by an app. On the settings screen, tap General Memory. to set a time slot to retrieve data. Smart Doctor You can use Smart Doctor to diagnose the device’s condition and optimise it.
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Reset the device, if necessary. On the settings screen, tap General Backup & reset. Customise the following settings: • LG Backup: Back up and restore all data saved on the device. See LG Backup for details. • Back up my data: Back up your app data, Wi-Fi password and other settings to the Google server.
ADD LANGUAGE, and select a language. LG Bridge LG Bridge overview LG Bridge is an app that helps you manage the photos, songs, videos and documents saved on your LG smartphone from your computer conveniently. You can back up contacts, photos and more to the computer or update the device software.
This feature allows you to conveniently update the firmware on your phone to a newer version from the Internet without needing to visit a service centre. This feature will only be available if and when LG makes a newer firmware version available for your device.
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This feature allows you to conveniently update your phone’s software to a newer version via OTA, without connecting using a USB cable. This feature will only be available if and when LG makes a newer firmware version available for your device.
This chapter lists some problems you might encounter when using your phone. Some problems require you to call your service provider, but most are easy to fix yourself. Message Possible causes Possible corrective measures There is no SIM card in Make sure the SIM card is SIM card error the phone or it is inserted...
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Charging error Plug the charger into a No voltage different outlet. Charger defective Replace the charger. Use only original LG Wrong charger accessories. Number not The Fixed dialling number Check the Settings menu and allowed. function is on.
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Check the vary depending on the area or battery Insert damaged module service provider. To purchase module or insert the module not additional battery modules properly. or compatible optional items, contact an LG Electronics Service Centre for support. Appendix...
Anti-Theft Guide Set up your device to prevent other people from using it if it's been reset to factory settings without your permission. For example, if your device is lost, stolen, or wiped, only someone with your Google account or screen lock information can use the device. All you need to make sure your device is protected is: •...
In addition to the source code, all referred licence terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are available for download. LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROM for a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution (such as the cost of media, shipping, and handling) upon email request to .
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DOLBY AUDIO Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby, Dolby Audio, and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. TypeC-HDMI • You may not need to connect the charger with TypeC-HDMI gender to output the screen. Connect the charger for reducing the battery consumption.
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To prevent direct exposure to laser beam, do not try to open the enclosure or to make the direct contact with the laser. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Hereby, LG Electronics declares that this LG-H860N product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.