Storing food correctly
Ensure that food stored in the fridge
zone is in packaging or covered prop-
erly (some exceptions apply in the
DailyFresh drawer).
This will prevent food odours from af-
fecting other food, stop food from dry-
ing out and also prevent any cross-con-
tamination of bacteria. This is particu-
larly important when storing meat
products. Make sure that food such as
raw meat and fish in particular does not
come into contact with other food.
By ensuring that the temperature set-
tings are correct and by taking ap-
propriate hygiene measures, you can
prolong the storage life of your food
considerably. This prevents food
Protein-rich food
Please note that food rich in protein de-
teriorates faster than other types of
food. Shellfish, for example, deterior-
ates faster than fish, and fish deterior-
ates faster than meat.
Storing food in the fridge zone