Using zoo
Zoom does notwork whilerecording v ideoclips.
Pressthe Zoom Out _
Zoom k_ _ controls on the Zoom
lever to move the lens between
wide angle and telephoto
positions (1 x to 3x). If Live View
is on, a zoom indicator displays
at the bottom of the Image
Display to show you the current
zoom setting.
NOTE The zoom indicator in the Uve View screen contains
a divider to show when you cross-over from optical to
digital zoom.
NOTE For better results when using digital zoom, you may
want to use a tripod to minimize camera shake.
Pressthe LiveVew _
button to turn on Lye Vie,,v.
2 Pressthe Zoom In _ control to optically zoom in to the
maximum level, then release the control.
3 PresstheZoom In _ control again
and hold it until you reach the
desired size in the Image Display.
A yellow cropping frame
surrounds the area of the image
that will be captured.
Chapter 2: Taking pictures and recording video clips