16, up to 16,384 unit addresses are supported for each CHL port (in this case, the maximum
limit is increased). In this example, CHL path configuration can be reduced.
Figure 16 Logical host connections (example 2 - FICON/zHPF)
Enabling XPfor Compatible High Perf FICON connectivity
software (zHPF) operations
Activating the zHPF program product
The zHPF PP license is required to activate zHPF on the storage system. Launch the XP Remote Web
Console and use the following information to activate the zHPF PP license:
Product name: HP XP for Compatible High Performance FICON Connectivity
Permanent PP with Capacity Free. The license allows unlimited storage capacity usage on one
Enabling the zHPF function
After the zHPF PP license is activated, the zHPF function is not enabled automatically. You need to
enable zHPF manually by performing either Option (1) or Option (2):
Option (1): From one device under online CU, issue the DS QD,Device number,VALIDATE
command. Repeat this operation in all online CUs.
Option (2): From one online channel path, issue the VARY PATH(Device number, Channel
path ID),ONLINEcommand. Repeat this operation in all online CUs and device numbers.
To check the zHPF status, issue the D M=DEV(device number) command. The status "FUNCTIONS
ENABLED=ZHPF" indicates that the zHPF function has been enabled.
FICON/zHPF and ESCON host attachment