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Global Editing Commands; Table 2-2. Global Editing Commands - HP TACL Programming Manual

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Global Editing Commands

Use the commands in Table 2-2 to perform editing operations on the entire contents of
a variable or a range of lines within the variable.

Table 2-2. Global Editing Commands

Changes all occurrences of one string to another string in a range of consecutive
lines in a variable. VCHANGE is not case-sensitive.
Copies a range of lines from one variable and inserts them at a given line position
in another variable.
Deletes a range of consecutive lines in a variable.
Finds all lines containing occurrences of a specified string in a range of lines in a
variable. VFIND is not case-sensitive.
Inserts lines from the TACL IN file at a given line position in a variable.
Lists a range of consecutive lines in a variable.
Deletes a range of lines from one variable and inserts them at a given line position
in another variable.
Unlike the built-in functions, the commands in Table 2-2 do not return a result.
Instead, each of these commands (except VINSERT) lists the lines it operates on, with
sequence numbers, to either the TACL OUT file or another user-specified file. You can
append copies of the lines to an existing variable.
To use these commands, specify a range of line numbers or all of the lines in the
variable (the default). If you use these commands to search for text or change text, the
process is not case-sensitive; TACL performs the operation on all instances of the text.
To specify a case-sensitive text change, use a line-editing or character-editing function,
listed in Table 2-1.
The following code reserves the name of a variable called sample2:
12> #PUSH sample2
(The variable is initialized as soon as you store data in it.)
To insert several lines into the variable, starting at line 1, enter:
13> VINSERT sample2 1
The name of this variable is "sample2."
There are 37 characters in this line.
This is the last line in the variable.
To terminate input, type CTRL/Y (or a line that contains two slashes—//).
107365 Tandem Computers Incorporated
Developing TACL Programs
Processing Character Data

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