Non-SQLCODE Error Messages
Install0019: File file-name was not found, but is present
only if the DDL licensing product was not installed. If the
DDL licensing product was installed, refer to the SQL/MX
Messages Manual for recovery details.
Cause. The SQL/MX file file-name is not present.
Effect. The installation of NonStop SQL/MX continues. This warning can be ignored if
the DDL licensing product (T0394) was not installed. If the DDL licensing product was
installed, NonStop SQL/MX is not fully functional, and the steps described under
Recovery must be performed.
Recovery. If the DDL licensing product was installed, reinstall the missing SQL/MX file
from the SUT. If the missing file was MXGNAMES, issue these commands from OSS:
gtacl -c 'fup alter \$SYSTEM.ZMTOOLS.MXGNAMES code 700'
Metadata Migration Utility
This subsection describes the messages generated by the Metadata Migration utility.
migr0001: Invalid input command. It is invalid to perform
Cause. The Metadata Migration tool has detected an invalid combination of options.If
EXECUTE SCRIPT is to be chosen, it must be the only option executed. ALL,
MPALIAS, DEFAULTS and PROCS are not valid when using SCRIPT.
Effect. The operation fails, and valid syntax options are displayed.
Recovery. Remove the ALL, MPALIAS, DEFAULTS, or PROCS option and resubmit.
migr0002: [Error] Invalid imput command. It is invalid to
perform SHOW and EXECUTE together. Perform SHOW to browse
entries. Perform EXECUTE when ready to execute the migration.
Cause. The Metadata Migration tool has detected an invalid combination of options.
SHOW and EXECUTE do not execute in the same invocation of the migrate tool Run
SHOW and EXECUTE separately.
Effect. The operation fails, and valid syntax options are displayed.
HP NonStop SQL/MX Messages Manual—640324-001
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Metadata Migration Utility