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a .-= Setting Energy-saving using Mini-BasketTM sorting Choosing SUin Questions? USC t heProblem Solver pl$ YourDirect Line TheGEhW~~ 4 .- .-.— ~’w-- the best controls loading detergents removal General E lectric C~~t~P 800.626.2000 from mA5800G ——— Care model...
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...3.4- ~j_ow operate your washer ..+...4,5 Energy-saving t ips ....5 Ckmtrdssettingguidefor differentfabricsandloads ..6.7 use soak setiing.
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D onotaUow children to playinside, o norwiththisappliance oranydiscarded a ppliance. Dispose ofdiscardedapplkmcesa .ndshippingor packing m aterials properly. Before discarding a washer, orremoving fromservice, remove t hewasher l id. @Keep alllaundry aids(such as detergents, bleaches, f%ric softeners, etc.)outofthereachofchildren, preferably inalockedcabinet.
130$ articles irritationcould ~e~~~t f~om the remainingparticles maybepicked upbyclothing that during subsequent washer u se. SAW THESE mSTRUCTIONS your opemte reducethe risk of fire, electricshock,or injuryto personswhenusingyour W~G—To appliance,readthe HW?ORTANT S AFETYE’WTRUC130NS b eforeoperatingthisappliance. Automatic Washer with Mini.Wash...
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Reguiar$QJck— mvideslongerwashtimefor ostcottons,linens,workand playclothes. Regular cycle z’ & lffiHT / SC+L 1’ ?owM se@g- soak Usewithmost soakingaidsto loosenembeddedsoilsand stains. — — setting happem each Fkmdar CVck? S&iector Heavy Normal Settings wash spin ~1/2 ~1/~ 31/~ Rinse 31/2 NOTES: Total t imeincludespausesbetweeneachphaseof cycle. Total t imedoesno?includewaterfill time.Filltimesvarydepending onhousehold waterpressureand yourselectedwaterIevel.
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ControlsSettingGuide L@td CottonsandLinens White/Colorfast Bright/Noncolorfast Workclothes Heavysoi~ Average soil PermanentPress,TreatedCottons, BlendswithCottons Heavyor oilysoil Average or lightsoil Synthetics-Polyester,Nylon, AcrylicKnitsandWoven Fabrics Sturdy Delicates Silks,Wools;Blendsof Silk andWool RayonandAcetate Down-filled garments,if machine washingis recommended BabyClothes—Sturdy, suchas Diapers,Nightgowns, S hirts,Pads, Sheets,ReceivingBlankets, Coveralls 13aby Clothes—Delicate Blankets-Wool, P art-Wool, Cotton Blankets-Synthetic,Electric Curtains-DO NOTMACHINE WASH FIBERGLASS...
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Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent.Dobabyclothesseparately. P retreatspots. Rinsediapers,nightgowns, padsandsheetsafteruse. Keepdiapersin a covered pailofcold waterandconditioning agentlikeBorateembrand. Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent.Dohand-knitgarmentsbyhandor in Mini-Basket t ub. Seepage8. Fill washer,adddetergent,allowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket.Dooneblanketat a time. Pretreatheavilysoiledspotswithliquiddetergent. On electricblanket,sewa strongpieceofclothoverplugtoprotectblanketandwasherfrom damage.Dooneblanketat a time.Pretreatheavilysoiledspotswithliquiddetergent. Vacuum outloosedirtbeforewashing. Washonly2 or 3 rugsor matsat onetime. Shakebeforewashing to removeexcessdirt.
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~Ha hotor warmsoakis desired,set theWASHRINSE TEMPERATURE switchto Hot/Coldor Warm/Cold andturnthe CycleSelectorknobto ‘6N0RNlAIY in the RegularCycle. Startthe washer.After washerfills andbeginsto agitate,pushin the CycleSelectorknoband turn to “XMK’ Pull out the Cycle Selectorknobto completethecycle. @ Foran extendedSCJak9 allowthe washerto fdl and agitatefor a few minutesto dissolvethe soaking agent.Thenpushin the Cycle...
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Goodsortingmeambetterwashing sort surface texture ~PrJiK?rs/ from LINTPRODUCERS— Suchas terry toweling andchenille—give up lint. LINTCX3LLIXIDRS— suchas man-madefibersandnapped fabricslikevelveteen and corduroy —attract l int. Thesemustbe washedseparately. M’rnwhm on lint more controlssee page 18. sort fabric Separate cottons & Linens from from Synthetics /3. Poly Knits from In additionto sortingto reducelint...
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Medium WaterLevelfor a SmallLoad;a LargeWaterLevelfor a Medium Load. @ Removeclothespromptlyas soonas washerstopsand hang immediately. TO add itemsafter the washer has started. * Turnoff the washer. * Carefullyremovethe Filter-Flo pan. @ Addanyadditionalarticlesby submergingnextto the agitator. @ Replacethe l?ilter-Flo pan and restartthe washer.
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Factomto comider Pow&%’di Detergents Nm#k@Rate- I?cwdered Deterg%?ln%s Detergents Liquid s$Mps selecting detewenti Advantages Performwellin hardor softwater Washalltypesoffabricswell. Canbeusedin hot, warm,or coldwater. Performsatisfactorily in soft or moderatelyhardwater. In someareasonlynon-phosphate productsareavailable. Periiorm wellin softwater. Offerbetterperformancein hard waterthanpowdered non-phosphate types. Cleanssynthetics andfabric blendswell. Are excellent a sconcentrates forremovingspots.
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* Increasedservicecalls because ofIimestonedepositsin thepump, xcirculation waterhoses, filters andother washerparts. @ Reducedusefullife of washer. ~LihfiEa70NE-technically calledCALCIUM C AF?EIONATE-is ~ea~ti~n ofthe ca,icium inthe hard water Wittl the socli~rn carbonate dete%enb we Of c arbonate washersurfaces.Thehardness...
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The useof a sufficientamountof detergent i soneofthemostimpcwtant thingsyoucando to makesureyour washcomesoutclean. Amountrequired varies accordingto: L Waterhardness 2. Amountof soil 3. Sizeof load 4. Typeof detergent 5. Washtemperature use more detergentif youhave... 1. Hard water 2. Largeloads 3. Greasyor oily soils 4.
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Hard y ou water—do Before you decidewhatto do abouthard water,youneedto know if yotihaveit and, if so, howhard it is. @ If youlivein a municipalarea, contactyourwatercompany. @ If youlivein a rural area, or in somesuburbanareas,contactyour countyagent. Theanswerwillbe “youhave‘so manygrains’per gallon”and meansthis: Om 3 grainsper gallon–SOFT 4 to 10grains—HARD II to 19groins-VERYHARD...
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D amagetoyourwashercausedbypretreatment productsis notcoveredbyyourwarranty. Cleanwasherto avoiddiscoloration ofnextload.Go throughcompletecycle(5-minute wash)usinghot water, 1/2cup(120ml)detergent,1 cup(240ml)bleach.Wipe exteriorparts. Caution:Tintingmaydiscolorplasticin washer.Subsequent w ashings willreducediscoloration but maynevereliminateit. ~— — BsiE??- —. Bsi3ml — -— lwEIE—...
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Removal Using(Maine Bleachh Whiteand BkachableFabrics. Mix 1/4cup (60ml) chlorine bleachwith onegallon(3.8liter)of coolwater—approximately 80°F. (2’7°C.)-ina sinkor pan. Soak stainedarea for 5 minutesand launderin washer. The Caseof the “Invisible”Stain. Foodor cookingoilson your syntheticgarmentsmaychusestains whichare virtuallyinvisibleand whichyoumaynotnoticeas you putyourclothesintothe washer. If thesestainsare notcompletely...
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removalguide Shin white and BIeachable Fabrics EkeControl Adhesives Rubwithiceor immerseinverycoldwater.Usedulltoolto (Chewing Gum,etc) carejhllyscrapeofias muchadhesiveorgumaspossible.Sponge witha safedrycleaningfluid,*thenlaunder. Antiperspirants, Applyundiluted liquiddetergent. R inse.If stainremains,bleach Deodorants according to StainRemoval H inton opposite page.If colorhas changed, y oumaybe abletorestoreit bysponging with ammonia3* Rinsethoroughly. Blood Soakincoldwater,thenlaunderinwarmwater.If stainremains, bleachaccording to StainRemoval H intonoppositepage,launder.
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>- Questions? C >. Thk Problem ‘:~~ v— ——- —— POSSIBLE CAUSE ANDREMEDY PROBLIHW @Incorrect sortingofclothes.Separate lint-producers (suchasterrytowelsandchenille) UNITOR RESIDUE fromlint-receivers ( suchasman-madefabrics,velveteen, c orduroy). ONCL0TH13S *Washing too poundofdryclothes. e Useof precipitatewhichcanbemistakenforlint.Usea phosphateor liquiddetergent; u se warmerwashwateror softenwaterwith,aninstalledmechanicalsofteneror apackaged watersoftener. ~Powde~residuefrom detergent i n hotwaterbeforeaddingtowasher;makesuredetergent i s completely dissolvedbeforeaddingclothes;switchtoliquidor coldwaterdetergentorusewarmer...
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3. Runhot waterfor a fewminutesto cleaniron residuebuildupin lines; drainwater heateroccasionally. 4. TOremovespots: spreadstainedpofiio~overpan ofboilingwaterand squeeze Iemonjuicethroughstain. Toremove6veraliyellow,use a commerciallyavailable rust scaleremover,followingpackageinstructions.If porcelaindamagecan occur, do notuse in the washer;use a plasticcor$airier. BLUEOR GRAY Improperuse of fabricsoftener.Neverpour fabricsofie&r directlyon clothes;always COLOR dilutebeforeaddingto rinsewater.Seepage removestains: dampenstainedarea STfkms m~d rub withundihtedliquiddetergent.
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% &Pro~e~ ]~ads+ Avoid~aunde~ng heavy ~lo~es, with l~gh~rFermanentPressitemssuchas shirtsor blouses.Donot wash I%fmanent P ress withregularlaundry. ,@:T~o ~’anyclothesin washer,permanentPressloadsshouldalwaysbe srna~ler t h~ regularloads. . .no morethanmediumloadsto giveclothesroomto movefreely. e ~comect washaid d~ Cyc]ei. U sePermanentpress.Wash cyclewhichprovidesa co@do@niinse t o minimizewrin~ing. Alsouse PermanentPress Dry cycle.
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POSSIBLE CAUSEANDREMEDY PROBLEM WATER @ Makesuretemperatureselectorswitches are correctlyset. THvIPERATURE @ Makesure hotandcoldfaucetsareturnedon and Is nwmRma regulatedcorrectly. @ Makesurehosesare connectedto correctfaucets. . . hotto hot, coldto cold. @ Watervalvescreensmaybe stoppedup. Removeinlet hosesfromwatervalve.Cleanthe screensandreinstallhoses. @ Checkhouseholdwaterheaterto makesureit is deliveringwaterat 140°to 150°F. @ Makesuredrainhoseis notkinked. WATER WON’T DRAIN ~ Topof drainoutletshouldbe lessthan 8 ft.
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care Cleatiw a nd The W. Theporcelainis self-cleaning. L eavelid openafter wmhing allowmoistureto evaporate. D o notuseharsh or grittycleansers. The exterkm.Wipeoff anyspillsof washingcompounds. W ipeor dust withdampcloth. Trynot to hit surfacewith sharpobjects. store ‘h w asher: Askservicetechnicianto remove waterfrom drainpumpandhoses topreventfreezing.
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If you then have any questions about operating the product, please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address beloyv,or call, toll free: The GE Answer Cente@ 800.626.2000 consumer information service ~ improper installation. If you have an installation problem, contact your dealer or installer.