Double-click Security Group and a list of security groups appears. Then select a host group or
LDEV group in that security group.
Double-click Host Group and a list of host groups appears. Then select a specific host group.
Double-click LDEV Group. The tree view shows the host group and/or LDEV group registered in
the security group.
Figure 5 Security Group Tree
Indicates an access group whose volumes can be used as secondary volumes (i.e., copy
destination volumes) for copy operations.
Indicates an access group whose volumes cannot be used as secondary volumes (i.e., copy
destination volumes) for copy operations.
Indicates a pool group whose volumes can be used as secondary volumes (i.e., copy des-
tination volumes) for copy operations.
Indicates a pool group whose volumes cannot be used as secondary volumes (i.e., copy
destination volumes) for copy operations.
XP24000/XP20000 Volume Security User's Guide