Operating and installation instructions Ovens H 5140 B, H 5240 B en - AU, NZ To avoid the risk of accidents or damage to the appliance it is essential to read these instructions before it is installed and used for the first time.
W ar ning and S afety instr u c tio ns This oven is not intended for use by This appliance conforms to current persons (including children) w ith safety req uirements. Inappropriate reduced phy sical, sensory or mental use can, how ever, lead to personal capabilities, or lack of ex perience and injury and damage to property .
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W ar ning and S afety instr u c tio ns T ec h nic al safety B efore connecting the appliance, make sure that the connection data on Installation, maintenance and the data plate (voltage and connected repairs may only be carried out by a load) match the mains electricity suitably q ualified and competent supply .
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If the supply cord is damaged, it burning, or could even cause it to catch must be replaced by a Miele approved fire. service technician to avoid a haz ard. D o not use the "G rill Y", "E conomy This appliance may only be used in G rill Z"...
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W ar ning and S afety instr u c tio ns If using alcohol in y our recipes, high If using a tray made by a different temperatures can cause the alcohol to manufacturer, make sure that there is a vaporise and even to ignite on the hot gap of at least 6 cm betw een the heating elements.
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D ue to the high temperatures radiated, objects near the appliance could catch fire. Ac c esso r ies O nly use genuine Miele spare parts and accessories w ith this appliance. If spare parts or accessories from other manufacturers are used, this w ill invalidate the guarantee, and Miele cannot accept liability .
C ar ing fo r th e env ir o nm ent D isp o sal o f th e p ac k ing D isp o sal o f y o u r o ld ap p lianc e m ater ial o r m ac h ine The transport and protective packing...
G u id e to th e ap p lianc e H 5 1 4 0 B, H 5 2 4 0 B a F unction selector, retractable w hen it is at "0" b D isplay c S ensors V, O K , W, N d Temperature selector, retractable e H eating element for top heat and grilling w ith roof liner f C ataly tic enamelled back panel w ith air inlet for the fan...
F eatu r es O v en c o ntr o ls C o o ling sy stem In addition to operating the various A cooling fan w ill come on cooking programmes to bake, roast automatically w hen a cooking and grill the controls also offer the programme is started.
S ee "C leaning and care" for more information. These and other accessories are also available to order from the Miele S pare P arts D epartment, y our C hartered A gent or via the internet on w w w .miele-shop.com (depending on...
F eatu r es Bak ing tr ay , u niv er sal tr ay and r ac k Anti-sp lash inser t The anti-splash insert should be placed in the universal tray w hen grilling or The baking tray , universal tray and rack roasting.
C o ntr o ls F u nc tio n selec to r The left-hand control is used to select the function. It can be turned clockw ise or anti-clockw ise. The function selector can only be retracted w hen it is at "0". S R apid H eat-up U F an P lus \ F an G rill...
C o ntr o ls T em p er atu r e selec to r The right-hand control V 6 W is used to select the temperature. It can be turned clockw ise or anti-clockw ise. The temperature selector can be retracted in any position. S enso r s The sensors underneath the display react to touch.
C o ntr o ls S y m b o ls in th e d isp lay I2:00 m in N m T S 0 The follow ing sy mbols w ill appear in the display depending on the position of the function selector and/or w hether a sensor has been touched: P o sitio n o f th e S y m b o l...
C o ntr o ls T r iang le V in th e d isp lay Y ou can only make entries w ith the V or W sensors w hilst triangle V is flashing. If the triangle has stopped flashing, y ou w ill need to select the function m T S again w ith the O K sensor.
F u nc tio ns Y our oven has a range of oven functions for preparing a w ide variety of recipes. F u nc tio ns N o tes V C o nv entio nal – F or baking traditional recipes, e.g. fruit cake, casseroles. –...
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F u nc tio ns F u nc tio ns N o tes S R ap id – F or pre-heating the oven compartment. h eat-u p The oven function req uired must then be selected. U F an p lu s –...
Befo r e u sing fo r th e fir st tim e The time of day y ou have selected has B efore the oven can be used, y ou now been entered. w ill need to If there is a pow er cut, the appliance –...
Befo r e u sing fo r th e fir st tim e C leaning and h eating u p fo r The oven w ill start heating up as soon as this entry has been accepted. th e fir st tim e ^ H eat the empty oven for at least an B efore use, please remove hour.
Z ealand. F or hints, tips and recipes w hich have been specifically designed for local conditions, please visit w w w .miele.com.au, w w w .miele.co.nz – "160" - the recommended or contact y our nearest Miele S ales temperature, and Information C entre.
O p er atio n P r e-h eating C h ang ing th e tem p er atu r e If y our recipe req uires a temperature Most dishes can be placed in a cold w hich is different from the oven.
O p er atio n S w itc h ing o n and o ff E nter ing a c o o k ing d u r atio n au to m atic ally ^ P lace the food in the oven. Y ou can programme the oven to sw itch ^ S elect the req uired function and set off automatically or on and off...
O p er atio n E nter ing a c o o k ing d u r atio n and Now delay the F inish time: d elay ing th e finish tim e I2:I5 To use the automatic sw itching on and off function on the oven, both the cooking duration and the finish time m T S...
O p er atio n T h e end o f a c o o k ing p r o g r am m e T o c h ec k and c h ang e an enter ed tim e A t the end of the duration It is possible to check or change times entered for a cooking programme at...
M inu te m ind er (eg g tim er ) The minute minder can be used to time A t the end of the time set for the minute any activity in the kitchen, e.g. boiling minder eggs. – the N sy mbol w ill flash. A max imum minute minder time of 59 –...
% S etting s Y our oven is supplied w ith standard factory default settings. Y ou can select alternative settings by changing the status (see chart). S etting S tatu s (* S tand ar d d efau lt setting ) The time of day display is sw itc h ed o ff.
% S etting s T o c h ang e th e " statu s" o f a The change to the setting remains in setting memory even after a pow er cut. ^ S elect "%". ^ Touch the O K sensor. "P I"...
S y stem lo c k Y our oven has a sy stem lo c k 0 w hich prevents it from being used unintentionally , for ex ample, by children. ^ Turn the function selector to "0". ^ Touch the W sensor repeatedly until triangle V is underneath the 0 sy mbol.
Bak ing tip s Bak ing p ar c h m ent R efer to the baking charts for B ecause of their P erfectC lean anti-stick suggestions of temperatures, shelf surface th e b ak ing tr ay and th e levels and cooking durations.
Bak ing tip s N o tes ab o u t th e c h ar ts F r o z en fo o d W hen baking froz en products such as T em p er atu r e, b ak ing d u r atio n c ak es, p iz z a and b ag u ettes, use the To achieve even results w ithout low est temperature q uoted on the...
Bak ing c h ar t Intensiv e b ak e P articularly suitable for – dishes that req uire a moist topping and crisp base like piz z a and q uiche lorraine. – cakes w ith a filling w here the base has not been pre-baked, e.g. some cheesecakes.
Y ou can also use C onventional V. C o ntainer s A ny heat-resistant The Miele G ourmet oven dish, roasting pans w ith a lid, containers ovenproof china or glass, roasting bags, the universal tray , the rack on top of the universal tray , the anti-splash insert (if y ou have one) in the universal tray .
R o asting tip s U sefu l tip s Br o w ning B row ning only occurs tow ards the end of the roasting time. R emove the lid about halfw ay through the roasting time if a more intensive brow ning result is desired.
G r illing tip s G rill w ith the oven door closed. If y ou grill w ith the door open, hot air w ill escape from the oven instead of being cooled by the cooling fan. The controls w ill get hot. D anger of burning. F u nc tio n N o tes G rill Y:...
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G r illing tip s R ec o m m end atio ns N o tes C o ntainer s R ack on the universal D o not use the baking tray . tray A nti-splash insert in the universal tray (if y ou have one) S h elf lev el fr o m th e F or thin cuts use shelf level 4 or 5...
G r illing tip s P r ep ar ing fo o d fo r g r illing U sefu l tip s R inse briefly under running cold w ater, It is best to grill food of a similar pat dry and season w ith pepper and thickness at the same time so that the herbs.
G r illing c h ar t P re-heat the grill for approx . 5 minutes w ith the door shut. F u ll g r ill Y /E c o no m y F an g r ill \ F o o d to b e g r illed g r ill Z R ec o m -...
D efr o st The D efrost P function uses the fan to D efr o sting tim es circulate air at room temperature. The time needed for defrosting P lease note: depends on the ty pe and w eight of the food, and at w hat temperature it w as –...
C o o k ing r ead y m eals W e recommend using F an plus U. ^ S elect the req uired function and set the temperature. ^ W hen the temperature indicator light goes out, place the dish in the pre-heated oven.
Miele branded cleaning and The ex ternal surfaces of this conditioning products are available from the Miele S pare P arts D epartment. appliance are all susceptible to scratching. S cratches on glass D o not use a steam cleaner to surfaces could even cause a clean the appliance.
In ex treme Miele E -cloth or a clean sponge and a cases soiling w ill be impossible to solution of hot w ater w ith a little remove or even cause damage to w ashing-up liq uid.
C leaning and c ar e P er fec tC lean N o r m al so iling C lean as soon as possible after each B efore using for the first time remove use w ith a dishcloth, soft sponge or a any stickers from P erfectC lean soft ny lon brush, and a solution of hot surfaces.
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C leaning and c ar e D o not attempt to use on a hot oven or T h e fo llo w ing c au se lasting d am ag e accessories. A llow the P erfectC lean to th e su r fac e str u c tu r e and r ed u c e surfaces to cool dow n to room th e anti-stic k effec t and m u st no t b e temperature before apply ing an oven...
Miele C hartered A gent or the Miele S pare P arts S oiling caused by o il and g r ease D epartment. sp lash es are removed from cataly tic coated surfaces w hen the oven is heated to a high temperature.
C leaning and c ar e T o r em o v e th e o v en d o o r ^ Then lift the door upw ards as far as it w ill go. The oven door is connected to the oven by hinges.
C leaning and c ar e T o d ism antle th e o v en d o o r A lw ay s remove the oven door before If condensate has w orked its w ay in dismantling it. betw een the glass panes, the door can be dismantled in order to clean in ^ P lace the door on a protective...
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C leaning and c ar e ^ C lean the glass panes and other parts w ith a damp microfibre cloth or a clean sponge and a solution of hot w ater w ith a little w ashing-up liq uid. W ipe dry using a soft cloth.
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^ R efit the middle pane and the seal. to close them. The more angled corner must be at the top left. ^ P ush the inner pane into the plastic strip and place it betw een the retainers. "Miele" must be visible at the top.
C leaning and c ar e T o r efit th e d o o r ^ O pen the door fully . ^ F lip both locking clamps back up as far as they w ill go into a horiz ontal position.
C leaning and c ar e T o r em o v e th e r u nner s T o r em o v e th e c ataly tic enam elled b ac k p anel Make sure the oven heating elements are sw itched off and cool.
C leaning and c ar e T o lo w er th e to p h eat/g r ill elem ent ^ R emove the runners. ^ U nscrew the w ing nut. ^ G ently low er the top heating element. L ow er the top heating element carefully .
W ith the aid of the follow ing guide, minor problems can be easily corrected w ithout contacting Miele. If y ou then can't solve the remedy y ourself, please call the Miele C ustomer C ontact C enter. O n no account open the appliance casing!
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– F au lt 5 5 : S afety sw itch-off has been triggered. display : F + number The oven can be used again immediately by sw itching it off and on again. F or all other fault codes please contact the Miele C ustomer C ontact C entre.
C ustomer C ontact C entre. contact These information are show n on the – y our Miele C hartered A gent or data plate, visible below the oven interior, w ith the door fully open. – the Miele C ustomer C ontact C entre...
O p tio nal ac c esso r ies The follow ing accessories may come as standard w ith some models. They are also available to order from y our Miele C hartered A gent or the Miele S pare P arts D epartment.
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O p tio nal ac c esso r ies G o u r m et o v en d ish lid P iz z a sto ne The piz z a stone is ideal for items w hich need a w ell baked base such as piz z a, q uiche, bread, bread rolls and savoury snacks.
(available from the been built in. Miele C ustomer C ontact C entre). If the sw itch is not accessible after installation (depending on country ) an additional means of disconnection must be provided for all poles.
Bu ild ing -in d iag r am s Ap p lianc e d im ensio ns and u nit c u t-o u t Installatio n in a b ase u nit Installatio n in a tall u nit * A ppliances w ith glass front * * A ppliances w ith metal front...
Bu ild ing -in d iag r am s F r o nt d im ensio ns A H 5140: 53.2 H 5240: 47.5 B A ppliances w ith glass front: 2.2 A ppliances w ith metal front: 1.2...
Installing th e o v en The appliance must not be Turn off the mains electricity supply operated until it has been correctly to the isolator. installed in its housing unit. ^ C onnect the mains cable from the O therw ise it poses an electric shock oven to the isolator.
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A lteration rights reserved / 22 / 1209 M.-Nr. 07 253 330 / 01 (H 5140 B , H 5240 B )