On the storage server, open Device Manager, right-click on the EVA LUN and select Scan for
hardware changes.
Open a command prompt and run DiskPart.exe.
List the current volumes of the system (List Volumes).
Select the volume to be extended (select volume X).
Extend the volume (extend [size=n]). Size is optional.
Expanding storage using the Array Configuration Utility
The Array Configuration Utility enables online capacity expansion of the array and logical drive for
specific MSA storage arrays, such as the MSA1000 and MSA1500.
Expand array
Expanding an existing LUN is accomplished using the storage array configuration software applicable to
the storage array in use. In case of the Smart Array controller, this is accomplished by using the Array
Configuration Utility. LUN expansion may occur in disk arrays where space is available. If insufficient
space is available, additional physical disks may be added to the array dynamically.
An array expansion, logical drive extension, takes about 15 minutes per gigabyte, or considerably
longer if the controller does not have a battery-backed cache. While this process is occurring, no other
expansion or extension can occur simultaneously on the same controller.
Figure 14 Expanding a LUN (Smart Array only)
The Expand Array task is listed only if there is an unassigned physical drive on the controller. The
unassigned drive must also have a capacity of no less than that of a drive in an existing array. If these
conditions are not fulfilled, install at least one suitable drive on the controller, and then click Refresh.
File server management