I 0
TV Operation
1. First, make all equipment _nnections.
Plug the AC Adapter into the TV, then plug the AC Adapter into
a power outlet. At this time, the TV is switchod to standby mode.
• in standby' mode, press the POWER, TV, CH (&,V),
INPUT or number button on the remote con-
trol or ON/OFF, CH (A,V), _
button located on the TV to turn the TV on.
2. Select the viewing source by pressing INPII_.
• Note: See page 18 if you have not auto programmed the _
to receive channeJs in your local broad-
cast area,
3. After viewing, press the POWER button on the remote control or ON/OFF Iocatod on the TV. The TV
reverts to standby m_e,
• If you want to turn the TV off, press the on/off button I_ated
on the TV. If you intend to be away on
vacation, di_onn_t
the power plug from the wall power outleL
Menu La ng uage Se le ct io n
- The menus can be shown on the screen in the sel_tod
language. First select your language.
1. Press the MENU button and then use A / V button to sel_t
the SPECIAL menu.
2_.Press the I_ _J_ton and then we & / V b_ton to select _uage,
3_.Press the I_ _ton
and then _e A / V button to select your desired language.
From this point on, the on-screen menus will be shown in the language of your choice.
4. Press the ENTER button to save.