mod cache
mod cache -name NAME1,...,NAMEN -refresh
where NAME is expansion, partition, ptimage, fcpmirror,
ipmirror, host, node, lun, lunmap, all
mod cache -name all -refresh
Updates the specified data in SMS (the service for the user interface) by gathering the latest
data from DPF (the core component of the SANOS software).
Refreshed the cache with getExpansions
SMS Cache has been updated
Refreshed the cache with getParts
SMS Cache has been updated
Refreshed the cache with getPTImages
SMS Cache has been updated
Refreshed the cache with getLocalMirrors
SMS Cache has been updated
Refreshed the cache with getRemoteMirrors
SMS Cache has been updated
Refreshed the cache with getHosts
SMS Cache has been updated
Refreshed the cache with getNodes
SMS Cache has been updated
Refreshed the cache with getLunIds
SMS Cache has been updated
Refreshed the cache with getMaps
SMS Cache has been updated
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