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Viewer Mode - HP Open View Installation And Maintenance Manual

Continuous access storage appliance
Table of Contents


Viewer mode

In viewer mode, the hp OV CASA Console window contains the following options:
Refer to
System Administrator's Guide for more information about the console window menu options.
Figure 3: hp OV CASA Console window (viewer mode)
Continuous Access Storage Appliance Installation and Maintenance Guide
status—View the worldwide names of the appliance node's initiator ports and the status of
the network interface card (NIC) ports, power supplies, and CPU fan.
node—Display the appliance node's ID number (either 0 or 1) of the appliance node.
system info—Display the appliance node's available disk space and memory, uptime, and
IP address.
CASA info—Display the SANOS software, management software, and HTTP server
software versions installed on the appliance node.
date—Display the date and time on the appliance node.
sanos admin—Access sanosadmin, the appliance's command line interface. Click
Initialize to create an administrative user. Click Launch to open sanosadmin.
event viewer—Access application logs, security logs, and system logs.
log viewer—Display details about the appliance software.
backup\restore—Back up or restore the appliance configuration.
shutdown—Shut down or restart the appliance node.
"Using the
Interfaces" in the HP OpenView Continuous Access Storage Appliance
Completing the Appliance Setup


Table of Contents

Table of Contents