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עברית אודות מדריך למשתמש זה . קרא בעיון מדריך למשתמש זה לפניLG תודה שבחרת מוצר זה של .השימוש במכשיר בפעם הראשונה, כדי להבטיח שימוש בטוח והולם . הפריטים שסופקוLG השתמש תמיד באביזרים מקוריים של מיועדים למכשיר זה בלבד וייתכן שהם לא תואמים למכשירים...
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הודעות מנחות אזהרה: מצבים שעלולים לגרום לפציעה של המשתמש ושל גורמי .צד שלישי .זהירות: מצבים שעלולים לגרום לפציעה קלה או לנזק למכשיר .הערה: הערות או מידע נוסף אודות מדריך למשתמש זה...
כלי זה אוסף רק נתונים ספציפיים לתקלה, כגון עוצמת אות, מיקום מזהה התא בעת ניתוק פתאומי של השיחה ויישומים שנטענו. היומן משמש רק לסיוע בזיהוי הגורם לתקלה. יומנים אלה מוצפנים, ורק מרכז יוכל לגשת אליהם במקרה שתצטרך למסור אתLG תיקונים מוסמך של .המכשיר לתיקון חשיפה לאנרגיית תדר רדיו...
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.שברשותך, והם כפופים לשינוי ללא הודעה מראש אין לפרק יחידה זו. כאשר נדרש תיקון, פנה לטכנאי שירות .מוסמך , עשוייםLG תיקונים במסגרת האחריות, לפי שיקול דעתה של לכלול חלקים או לוחות חלופיים, חדשים או מחודשים, ובלבד .שהם מצוידים בפונקציונליות זהה לזו של החלקים המוחלפים...
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.אין לחשוף את הטלפון לנוזלים או ללחות יש לנקוט זהירות בשימוש באביזרים, כמו אוזניות. אין לגעת .באנטנה שלא לצורך אם זכוכית המכשיר שבורה או סדוקה, אל תיגע בה או תנסה להסיר אותה ואל תשתמש במכשיר. האחריות אינה מכסה נזקים .שנגרמו לתצוגת הזכוכית כתוצאה מפגיעה ושימוש לרעה הטלפון...
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בטיחות בדרכים בדוק את החוקים והתקנות הנוגעים לשימוש בטלפונים ניידים באזורים .שבהם אתה נוהג .אין להחזיק את הטלפון ביד בזמן נהיגה .יש להפנות את מלוא תשומת הלב לנהיגה רד לשול הדרך וחנה לפני ביצוע שיחה או מענה לשיחה, בהתאם .לתנאי הדרך אנרגיית...
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חלקי זכוכית חלקים מסוימים של ההתקן הנייד עשויים מזכוכית. זכוכית זו עלולה להישבר אם המכשיר ייפול על משטח קשה או יקבל מכה חזקה. אם הזכוכית נשברת, אל תנסה לגעת בה או להסיר אותה. יש להפסיק להשתמש בהתקן הנייד עד להחלפת הזכוכית על-ידי ספק שירות .מורשה...
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אין צורך לפרוק את הסוללה במלואה לפני טעינתה מחדש. בניגוד למערכות סוללה אחרות, אין השפעת זיכרון שעלולה להשפיע על .ביצועי הסוללה LG . מטעניLG יש להשתמש אך ורק בסוללות ובמטענים של .מיועדים למרב את חיי הסוללה .אין לפרק או לקצר את הסוללה...
אנשי קשר סקירה כללית של אנשי קשר .באפורמתךשלוימרשמלנהלשאנוישקור .ש שאנשי קשרLGהקושעלש ש ש הוספת אנשי קשר הוספת אנשי קשר חדשים . ביסךשולשרוייתשאנוישהקור,שהקושעלש .הזןשפרטישאיושקורשמהקושעלששמורה ייבוא אנשי קשר .תמכלשלייבאשאנוישקורשיהתקןשאחסמןשאחר ביסךשולשרוייתשאנוישהקור,שהקושעלש ש שניהול אנשי .קשרש שייבוא בחרשאתשייקמיישהיקמרשמהיעדשולשאיושהקורשוברצמנךשלייבאש .מלאחרשיכןשהקושעלשאישור .בחרשאתשאנוישהקורשמהקושעלשייבוא הוספת אנשי קשר לרשימת מספרי החיוג המהיר...
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חיפוש אנשי קשר :תמכלשלחפושאנוישקורשבאיצעמתשאחתשיותישהאפורמימתשהבאמת בראושרוייתשאנוישהקור,שהקושעלש שמלאחרשיכןשהזןשאתש ש .פרטישהקורשאמשאתשיספרשהטלפמן .גלמלשיעלהשאמשיטהשברוייתשאנוישהקור ש באינדקסשולשיסךשרוייתשאנוישהקור,שהקושעלשהאמתש ש .הראומנהשולשאיושקור שמלאחרשיכןשהזןשאתש בראושרוייתשאנוישהקור,שהקושעלש ש פרטישהקורשאמשאתשיספרשהטלפמןשכדישלהציגשאתשכלשפרטיש .החיפמושיימינישויחמת,שיאנוישקורשמיקבמצמת רשימת אנשי קשר עריכת אנשי קשר .ביסךשרוייתשאנוישהקור,שבחרשבאיושהקורשהרצמי .ביסךשפרטישאיושהקור,שהקושעלש שמערמךשאתשהפרטיי .הקושעלששמורהשכדישלוימרשוינמייי מחיקת אנשי קשר :תמכלשליחמקשאנוישקורשבאיצעמתשאחתשיותישהאפורמימתשהבאמת ביסךשרוייתשאנוישהקור,שהקושהקוהשיימוכתשעלשאיוש ש .קורשוברצמנךשליחמקשמלאחרשיכןשהקושעלשמחק איש קשר .הקושעלש...
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שתף מסך הגכל לתקדין אה תמסך גלתשמיע אה תצלילים מתמכשיד באמצעגה מכשיד אחד, כמג למשל טלגגיזית, בהנאי שתגא הגמך בפגנקצית .Miracast .במסך תתורדגה, תקש על רשת שתף מסך .כרי לתפעיל אגהג תקש על .בחד מכשיד מדשימת של מכשידים סמגכים אם תמכשיד תדצגי אינג מגפיע, תקש על חיפוש כרי לדענן אה .תדשימת...
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.כרי לבטל פעגלת של כל אחה מתאפשדגיגה תקש על שיתוף קבצים הגכל לשלגח גלקבל קבצים בין תמכשיד שלך למכשידים אג .LG טאבלטים אחדים של .במסך תתורדגה, תקש על רשת שיתוף קבצים :תהאם אישיה אה תתורדגה תבאגה .: שנת אה שם תמכשידG5 שמור...
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.LG Bridge לסרטים, עיין בעזרה של .זמיחות של תכוחות חתמכות איחה אנידה ותלויה במכשיר LG חנוץ לך כדי לנבר טלסון נכם שלLG שלUSB מחהל התקן .LG Bridge אל המנשב והוא יותקן ינד עם LG Bridge הפונקציות הכלולות ביישום...
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תכוחה זו מאסשרת לך לעדכן בחונות את הקושנה של הטלסון .לגרפה נדשה יותר מהאיחטרחט, ללא צורך לבקר במרכז שירות תייצר גרפת קושנה נדשה שתהיהLG תכוחה זו תהיה זמיחה רק אם .זמיחה למכשיר שלך מאנר שעדכון הקושנה של הטלסון החייד דורש את תשומת לבו...
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)OTA( תכוחה זו מאסשרת לך לעדכן בחונות את תוכחת הטלסון לגרפה . תכוחה זו תהיהUSB , מבלי לנבר כבלOTA נדשה יותר בשיטת תייצר גרפת קושנה נדשה שתהיה זמיחה למכשירLG זמיחה רק אם .שלך ,כדי לבצע את עדכון תוכחת הטלסון...
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מדריך למניעת גניבה הגדר את המכשיר שלך כך שאחשים אנרים לא יוכלו להשתמש בו אם הוא יאוספ להגדרות היצרן ללא רשותך. לדוגמה, אם המכשיר או בעל סרטיGoogle אבד, חגחב או חמנק, רק אדם בעל נשבון .חעילת מפך יוכל להשתמש במכשיר :כל...
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DOLBY AUDIO ופמלDolby Audio ,Dolby Laboratories. Dolby מיוצר ברישיון מטעם .Dolby Laboratories הכסול הם פימחים מפנריים שלD-ה TypeC-HDMI TypeC-HDMI-ייתכן שלא יהיה צורך בניבור המטען אל שקע ה כדי להזרים את המפך כסלט. נבר את המטען כדי לצמצם את .צריכת...
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כדי למחוע נשיסה ישירה לקרן הלייזר, אל תחפה לסתונ את המארז .או ליצור מגע ישיר עם הלייזר הצהרת תאימות מצהירה שהמוצרLG Electronics ,בזאת תואם לדרישות היפודיות ולתחאים הרלווחטיים האנריםLG-H850 . 2014/53/EU של החניה חיתן למצוא עותק שלהצהרת התאימות בכתובת
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שאלות נפוצות בסרק זה מוצגות מפסר בעיות שאתה עלול להיתקל בהן במהלך השימוש במכשיר. בעיות מפוימות יצריכו סחייה לפסק השירות, אך .את רובן תוכל לסתור בקלות בעצמך המכשיר מגיע לחום-יתר .המכשיר מגיע לחום-יתר כאשר הוא נמצא בשימוש -במקרים הבאים, צריכת הפוללה עולה והמכשיר עלול להגיע לנום :יתר...
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.פגור יישומים שאיחם בשימוש ,אם אתה מסעיל את המכשיר ברמת בהירות המפך המרבית .הסנת את רמת הבהירות אם המכשיר מגיע לנום יתר במשך תקוסה ממושכת, הספק ,להשתמש בו לזמן מה. אם המכשיר ממשיך להגיע לנום-יתר .LG סחה למרכז שירות לקונות של חפסנ...
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מגבלות שימוש במכשיר בעת חום-יתר אם המכשיר מגיע לנום יתר בעת השימוש בו או במהלך טעיחה, נלק .מהמאסייחים, היישומים או אף המכשיר עצמו עשויים להספיק לסעול .זוהי סעולה רגילה של מכשירים התומכים במאסיין זה אם טמסרטורת המכשיר עולה מעבר לרמה מפוימת, תוסיע .הודעת...
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שגיאת טעינה .ודא שהטלסון חטען בטמסרטורה רגילה בדוק את המטען ואת הניבור שלו למכשיר .LG השתמש רק באביזרים הכלולים באריזה, שאושרו על ידי הסוללה מתרוקנת בקצב מהיר יותר מאשר כשקנית את המכשיר לראשונה כשאתה נושף את המכשיר או את הפוללה לטמסרטורות קרות או...
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מפך המגע עשוי לא לסעול באוסן תקין בתחאי לנות או בעת נשיסה .למים .הסעל מנדש את המכשיר כדי להעלים באגים זמחיים בתוכחה LG אם מפך המגע שרוט או סגום, בקר במרכז שירות של .Electronics המכשיר נתקע או קופא הפעל מחדש את המכשיר...
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.שאליו אתה רוצה להתנבר אנר חמצאים בטוונ המרבי שלBluetooth ודא שהמכשיר והתקן .) (01 מטרBluetooth LG אם טיסים אלה איחם סותרים את הבעיה, סחה למרכז שירות של .Electronics לא נוצר חיבור כשאתה מחבר את המכשיר למחשב . שבו אתה משתמש תואם למכשיר שלךUSB-ודא שכבל ה...
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ENGLISH About this user guide Thank you for choosing this LG product. Please carefully read this user guide before using the device for the first time to ensure safe and proper use. • Always use genuine LG accessories. The supplied items are designed only for this device and may not be compatible with other devices.
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Instructional notices WARNING: Situations that could cause injury to the user and third parties. CAUTION: Situations that may cause minor injury or damage to the device. NOTE: Notices or additional information. About this user guide...
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Multi-tasking feature Home screen Smart Bulletin Screen lock Smart Notice Memory card encryption Smart Doctor Taking screenshots quick share Entering text QuickRemote Content sharing QuickMemo+ Do not disturb QSlide LG Health Do not disturb Ringtone ID Fingerprint recognition Content sharing...
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Sound Phone Display Messaging General Camera Gallery Contacts Clock Calendar Tasks Appendix Music Calculator LG Language Settings E-mail LG Bridge FM Radio Phone software update File Manager Anti-Theft Guide Smart Doctor More information LG Mobile Switch Downloads SmartWorld Evernote Facebook...
ID position in sudden call drop and applications loaded. The log is used only to help determine the cause of the fault. These logs are encrypted and can only be accessed by an authorised LG Repair centre should you need to return your device for repair.
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Product care and maintenance • Always use genuine LG batteries, chargers and accessories approved for use with this particular device model. The use of any other types may void any approval or warranty applying to the device and may be dangerous.
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• Use accessories like earphones cautiously. Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily. • Do not use, touch or attempt to remove or fix broken, chipped or cracked glass. Damage to the glass display due to abuse or misuse is not covered under the warranty.
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Road safety Check the laws and regulations on the use of mobile phones in the area when you drive. • Do not use a hand-held phone while driving. • Give full attention to driving. • Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if driving conditions so require.
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Glass Parts Some parts of your mobile device are made of glass. This glass could break if your mobile device is dropped on a hard surface or receives a substantial impact. If the glass breaks, do not touch or attempt to remove it. Stop using your mobile device until the glass is replaced by an authorised service provider.
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Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions. • If you need to replace the battery, take it to the nearest authorised LG Electronics service point or dealer for assistance. •...
• Removing the battery Installing the battery for details. • Available accessories, which are called LG Friends, are optional. • To purchase optional accessories, contact an LG Customer Service Centre. • Available accessories may vary depending on the area or service provider.
Always On Display You can display the date, time, signature or other information on the screen even when the main screen is turned off. Always On Display is a useful feature in order to check the time frequently and display your own signature.
Daylight mode You can use the enhanced IPS Quantum Display feature to view the screen clearly in outdoor daylight when the sun shines bright. 135º Wide-angle lens You can use the wide-angle lens to take photos of a range that is wider than the actual field of vision.
Pop-out Picture You can make your photo as if in a frame: you can take both a normal and wide-angle photo at the same time. Make your photo popping and standing out against these four background frame effects: Fisheye, B&W, Vignette, and Lens blur.
Multi-tasking feature Multi-Window You can use two apps at the same time by separating the screen into the multiple windows. While using an app, tap and hold from the Home touch buttons, then select an app from the recently used apps list. •...
Overview screen The Overview screen provides a preview of your recently used apps. To view the list of recently used apps, tap on the Home, then tap the displayed app. • Tap and hold an app and drag it to the top of the screen to start the app with the Multi-Window.
Smart Notice You can use Smart Notice to get useful information that matches your time and location. This widget analyzes your environment and daily usage patterns to provide information that is useful at a specific time and location. Use Smart Notice as: •...
• on the widget screen to change Smart Notice settings according to your preferences or to select the items on which you want Smart Notice to provide automatic reminders. • The Smart Notice feature may be turned on when you purchase the device.
quick share You can share a photo or video to the app you want immediately after taking it. , then take a photo or record a video. Tap the app icon that appears on the screen to share it using that app. You can also swipe the icon towards the opposite direction to see what other apps you can use to share your photos and videos.
Registering a device for remote control You can register a device you want to control remotely with your device. LG QuickRemote. to specify locations where you want to use the remote control. and select the type and manufacturer of the device you want to remotely control.
When the device you want to control with your device does not exist in the list, you can create a customised universal remote control by arranging your frequently used buttons according to your preferences. LG QuickRemote. to specify locations where you want to use the remote control. Universal remote.
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Creating a note QuickMemo+. to create a note. • : Save a note. • : Undo the previous edit. • : Redo the recently deleted edits. • : Enter a note by using the keypad. • : Write notes by hand. •...
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Writing notes on a screenshot While viewing the screen you want to capture, drag the status bar downwards and then tap • The screenshot appears as the notepad background theme. Memo tools appear at the top of the screen. Crop the image (if necessary) and take notes as desired. •...
QSlide You can start apps by using QSlide to use them while other apps are running. For example, use the calculator or calendar when a video is playing. When an app is running, tap QSlide. • This feature may not be supported by some apps. •...
You can manage your health and maintain good exercise habits by keeping track of the exercises you do. Getting started with LG Health You can configure LG Health when launching the app for the first time or after resetting it. LG Health.
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LG Health may vary or may not be available, depending on the country and service provider. LG Health functions that are available and apps that can be added to LG Health may vary, depending on the country. This is due to differing laws and regulations.
Do not disturb You can limit or mute notifications to avoid disturbances for a specific period of time. Settings Sound Do not disturb and then drag activate it. Tap Sounds and vibrations and select the mode you want: • Priority only: Receive sound or vibrate notifications for the selected apps.
To enhance the device security, set the screen lock to a pattern, PIN or password. • If your fingerprint is unrecognised or if you forget screen lock, bring your device to the nearest LG Customer Service Centre. Custom-designed Features...
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Precautions for fingerprint recognition Fingerprint recognition accuracy may decrease. To maximise recognition accuracy, check the following before using the device. • The device's Power/Lock key has a fingerprint sensor. Ensure that the Power/Lock key is not damaged by a metallic object, such as coin or key.
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Registering fingerprints You can register and save your fingerprint on the device to use fingerprint identification. Settings General Lock screen & security Fingerprints. • To use this feature, make sure that screen lock is set. If a screen lock is not set, set the screen lock following the guide on the screen. See Screen lock for details.
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Follow the on-screen instructions. • Repeat scanning the fingerprint by moving your finger little by little until the fingerprint registers. When the fingerprint registration is done, tap OK. • Tap ADD MORE to register another fingerprint. If you register only one fingerprint and the corresponding finger is not in a good condition, the fingerprint recognition may not work well.
Content sharing Playing content from another device You can play photos, videos or songs saved on your device from a TV. Connect the TV and your device to the same Wi-Fi network. While viewing the items from the Gallery or Music app, tap Play on other device.
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Sending or receiving files You can share files between your device and another LG device, or a tablet or computer. Sending files From the Gallery, File Manager or Music app, tap Share or , then select a device on the file sharing list.
Always use genuine LG Electronics accessories. Using accessories made by other manufacturers may affect your device's call performance or cause malfunctions. This may not be covered by LG's repair service. • If any of these basic items are missing, contact the dealer from which you purchased your device.
Parts overview IR sensor Microphone Stereo headset jack Earpiece Front camera lens Proximity/Ambient light LED indicator sensor Volume keys (+/-) Touch screen SIM/Memory card tray Module eject key Module Charger/USB cable port Flash RGB sensor Rear camera lens (General) Rear camera lens (Wide-angle) Laser detection auto-focus...
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• Proximity/Ambient light sensor - Proximity sensor: During a call, the proximity sensor turns off the screen and disables touch functionality when the device is in close proximity to the human body. It turns the screen back on and enables touch functionality when the device is outside a specific range.
• Some functions may be restricted for access, depending on the device specifications. • An NFC antenna is built into the back of the device. Do not damage the NFC antenna. • Do not put heavy objects on the device or sit on it. Failure to do so may damage the touch screen feature.
Installing the SIM card Properly use the SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card provided by your service provider. Insert the ejection pin into the hole on the card tray. Pull out the card tray. Put the SIM card on the card tray with the gold-coloured contacts facing downwards.
Precautions when using SIM card • Do not lose your SIM card. LG is not responsible for damage and other issues caused by loss or transfer of a SIM card. • Be careful not to damage the SIM card when you insert or remove it.
Do not remove the memory card while the device is transferring or accessing information. This may cause data to be lost or corrupted, or may damage the memory card or the device. LG is not responsible for losses that result from the abuse or improper use of memory cards, including the loss of data.
Battery Removing the battery • Turn off the device before removing the battery. Failure to do so may damage the device. Press the module eject key to partly eject the module from the device. Module Module eject key Grab the middle of the ejected module and pull it out from the device. Basic Functions...
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Device specifications may vary depending on the area or service provider. To purchase additional batteries or compatible optional items, contact an LG Customer Service Centre for support. • Be sure to use authentic accessories provided by LG Electronics. Using third-party accessories may damage the device or cause malfunctions. Basic Functions...
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Align the indicated arrows correctly and insert the battery into the module according to the order indicated in the image. Grab the lower part of the module as shown in the figure below, then gently slide the module into the device until they are tightly fastened. •...
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Precautions when using the module • When inserting the battery into the device, make sure that the battery is attached to the module. Inserting the battery without the module attached may damage the device. • When replacing the battery, take extra care to ensure that no foreign substance or water enters the device.
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Make sure to use the USB cable provided as a basic accessory. • Make sure to use an LG-approved charger, battery and charging cable. Charging the battery with a third-party charger may cause the battery to explode or may damage the device.
Using the battery efficiently Battery lifespan may decrease if you keep many apps and functions running simultaneously and continuously. Cancel background operations to increase battery life. To minimise battery consumption, follow these tips: • Turn off the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi network function when not using ®...
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Tapping and holding Tap and hold for several seconds to run a hidden function. Double-tapping Tap twice quickly to zoom in or out on a web page or map. Dragging Tap an item, such as an app or widget, then move your finger to another location in a controlled motion.
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Swiping Tap the screen with your finger and move it quickly without pausing. You can use this gesture to scroll through a list, a web page, photos, screens, and more. Pinching and spreading Pinch two fingers to zoom out such as on a photo or map. To zoom in, spread your fingers apart.
• A touch screen failure may occur if you use the device near a magnetic, metallic or conductive material. • If you use the device under bright lights, such as direct sunlight, the screen may not be visible, depending on your position. Use the device in a shady location or a location with an ambient light that is not too bright and bright enough to read books.
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Home screen layout You can view all apps and organise widgets and folders on the Home screen. Status bar Widget Folder Page icon Quick access area Home touch buttons • The Home screen may vary, depending on the service provider or software version.
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• Home touch buttons : Return to the previous screen. Close the keypad or pop-up windows. : Tap to go to the Home screen. To launch Google, tap and hold. : View a list of recently used apps or run an app from the list. Use the CLEAR ALL option to delete all recently used apps.
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Hiding the Home touch buttons You can hide the Home touch buttons to view in a larger screen while using an app. Settings Display Home touch buttons Hide Home touch buttons. Select apps to hide the Home touch buttons whiling using the app, and tap •...
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Status icons When there is a notification for an unread message, calendar event or alarm, the status bar displays the corresponding notification icon. Check your device’ s status by viewing notification icons displayed on the status bar. No signal Data is being transmitted over the network Alarm is set Vibrate mode is on Bluetooth is on...
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Notifications panel You can open the notifications panel by dragging the status bar downward on the main screen. • To open the quick access icons list, drag the notifications panel downwards. • To rearrange, add, or remove icons, tap EDIT. •...
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Switching the screen orientation You can set the screen orientation to automatically switch according to the device’ s physical orientation. On the notification panel, tap Rotation from the quick access icon list. You can also tap Settings Display and activate Auto-rotate screen.
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Editing the Home screen On the Home screen, touch and hold on an empty space, then select the desired action from below. • To rearrange the Home screen canvases, touch and hold on a canvas, then drag it to another location. •...
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Viewing the background theme You can view only the background image by hiding the apps and widgets on the Home screen. Spread two fingers apart on the Home screen. • To return to the original screen, which displays apps and widgets, pinch your fingers on the Home screen or tap Moving apps on the Home screen On the Home screen, touch and hold an app, then drag it to another...
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Using folders from the Home screen Creating folders On the Home screen, touch and hold an app, then drag it over another app. • A new folder is created and the apps are added to the folder. Editing folders On the Home screen, tap a folder and do one of the following actions. •...
• Icon shape: Choose if you want icons to have square or rounded corners. • Sort apps by: Set how apps are sorted on the Home screen. • Grid: Change the app arrangement mode for the Home screen. • Hide apps: Select which apps you want to hide from the Home screen.
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Setting a screen lock There are several options available for configuring the screen lock settings. Settings General Lock screen & security Select screen lock and then select the method you prefer. Customise the following settings: • None: Deactivate the screen lock function. •...
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Precautions for the secure start-up feature • If you forget your decryption password, you cannot restore encrypted data and personal information. • Be sure to keep your screen lock passwords separately. • If you enter the screen lock passwords incorrectly more than the specified times, the device automatically resets itself and the encrypted data and your personal information are deleted automatically and they cannot be restored.
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You can turn the screen on or off by double-tapping the screen. • This option is available only on the Home screen provided by LG. It may not function properly on a custom launcher or on the Home screen installed by the user.
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Turning the screen on Double-tap the middle of the screen. • Tapping the top or bottom of the screen may decrease the recognition rate. Turning the screen off Double-tap on an empty space on the Home screen and Lock screen. You can also double-tap an empty space on the status bar.
• Encrypted files are accessible only from the device where the files were encrypted. • The encrypted memory card cannot be used on another LG device. To use the encrypted memory card on another mobile device, format the card. •...
Taking screenshots You can take screenshots of the current screen you are viewing. Via a shortcut Press and hold the Power/Lock key and the Volume Down (-) key at the same time for at least two seconds. • Screenshots can be viewed from the Screenshots folder in the Gallery.
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• This option is available only on the QWERTY keyboard. Suggesting words Smart keyboard automatically analyses your usage patterns to suggest frequently used words as you type. The longer you use your device, the more precise the suggestions are. Enter text, then tap a suggested word or gently drag the left or right side of the keyboard upwards.
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Changing the QWERTY keyboard layout You can add, delete or rearrange keys on the bottom row of the keyboard. Settings General Language & input On-screen keyboard LG Keyboard Keyboard height and layout QWERTY keyboard layout. You can also tap on the keyboard and tap Keyboard height and layout QWERTY keyboard layout.
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Selecting a landscape keyboard mode You can select a landscape keyboard mode from several choices. Settings General Language & input On-screen keyboard LG Keyboard Keyboard height and layout Keyboard type in landscape. You can also tap on the keyboard and tap Keyboard height and layout Keyboard type in landscape.
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You can move the keyboard to one side of the screen so that you can use the keyboard with one hand. Settings General Language & input On-screen keyboard LG Keyboard Keyboard height and layout One- handed operation. You can also tap on the keyboard and tap Keyboard height and layout One-handed operation.
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Copy and Paste You can cut or copy text from an app, and then paste the text into the same app. Or, you can run other apps and paste the text into them. Touch and hold around the text you want to copy or cut. Drag to specify the area to copy or cut.
Clip Tray If you copy or cut an image or text, it is automatically saved to the clip tray and can be pasted to any space at any time. On the keyboard, touch and hold and select You can also touch and hold the text input window, then select CLIP TRAY.
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Nearby devices menu in each app. Use content from nearby devices as if you were using it on your device. Sending or receiving files You can share files between your device and another LG device, or a tablet or computer. Sending files...
Receiving files Drag the status bar downward and then tap File sharing. If your device does not support the file sharing feature, tap Settings Network File sharing SmartShare Beam • Make sure that your device is connected to the same wireless network as the file transfer target device.
Installing and uninstalling apps Installing apps Access an app store to search and download apps. • You can use SmartWorld, Play Store or the app store provided by your service provider. • Some app stores may require you to create an account and sign in. •...
Uninstalling apps from the app store To uninstall an app, access the app store from which you download the app and uninstall it. Installing and uninstalling apps during the setup When you turn on the device for the first time, you can download recommended apps.
App Shortcuts On the Home screen, touch and hold an app icon such as Call, Message, Camera, Gallery and Settings to display a quick access menu. Use apps more easily through App Shortcuts. • to configure the settings for the desired app’ s widget. •...
Phone Voice call Make a phone call by using one of the available methods, such as manually entering a phone number and making a call from the contact list or the list of recent calls. Making a call from the keypad Dial.
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Answering a call To answer a call, drag on the incoming call screen. • When the stereo headset is connected, you can make calls by using the call/end button on the headset. • To end a call without turning off the screen, tap Settings Network Call Answer and end calls and then activate End call with the Power key.
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Functions accessible during a call During a call, you can access a variety of functions by tapping the on-screen buttons: • Contacts: View the contact list during a call. • Hold: Hold a call. • Dialpad: Display or hide the dial pad. •...
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Viewing call records To view recent call records, tap Call logs. Then, you can use the following functions: • To view detailed call records, select a contact. To make a call to the selected contact, tap • To delete call records, tap Delete.
Messaging Sending a message You can create and send messages to your contacts using the Messaging app. • Sending messages abroad may incur additional charges. Consult with your service provider for more information. Specify a recipient and create a message. •...
Camera Starting the camera You can take a photo or record a video to cherish all of your memorable moments. • Before taking a photo or recording a video, wipe the camera lens with a soft cloth. • Be careful not to stain the camera lens with your fingers or other foreign substance.
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Auto mode You can take photos or record videos by selecting a variety of camera modes and options. , then tap MODE Auto ( To take a photo, tap . To record a video, tap Switch between the wide-angle camera and Turn the flash on standard camera.
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Recording a video Select a camera mode and tap the subject to focus the camera on. • To take a photo while recording a video, tap • To pause the video recording, tap . To resume the video recording, • While recording a video, you may spread or pinch two fingers to zoom in or out.
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Photo size Select values for aspect ratio and size for taking photos. Video resolution Select values for resolution and size for recording videos. Obtain photos in vivid colours and get compensated effects even when they are taken against the light. These functions are provided by the high dynamic range (HDR) technology equipped in the camera.
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Various camera modes Pop-out You can take a photo or record a video by using both the general and wide-angle lens of the dual camera at the back of the device to shoot the scenes as if they were put in the frame. The scenes shown in the small, front screen are shot by using the general camera, and the scenes shown in the large, background screen are shot by using the wide-angle lens.
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Multi-view recording You can take multiple photos or videos in the form of a collage by using the front and rear cameras. Photos and videos can be saved with different layouts. , then tap MODE and select a layout. to take photos, according to the on-screen instructions. To record a video, tap •...
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Snap movie You can record short videos clips and assemble them into a 60-second short film. , then tap MODE • Tap the icon once to record a three-second video clip. Tap and hold the icon to create a longer video clip (maximum length: one minute). Delete the Preview the selected clip.
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Panorama You can create a panoramic photo by moving the camera in one direction to photograph and stitch continuous shots of a wide view. , then tap MODE and then slowly move the camera in one direction. • Move the device by following the direction of the arrow in the guideline.
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Time-lapse You can take a sequence of frames at set intervals to record changes that take place slowly over time, such as cloud movements, celestial motions, traffic, and more. , then tap MODE and record a video. • To adjust the video playback rate, tap to end the video recording.
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• This function is available when using multi-view or snap. • The LG Friends cameras that can be connected with the device are optional accessories. Consult with LG Customer Service Centre for purchasing. • This function may not be supported or some options may differ, depending on the area or service provider.
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Other useful features in the Camera app Auto-Exposure/Auto-Focus lock You can fix the current exposure level and focus position by touching and holding the screen in the Auto mode. To turn off the feature, tap a blank area on the screen. •...
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Switching between cameras You can switch between the front and rear cameras to suit your environment. On the camera screen, tap or drag the screen in any direction to switch between the front and rear cameras. Selfie shot • Use the front camera to take selfies. See for details.
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Selfie shot You can use the front camera to view your face on the screen and take selfies. Gesture shot You can take selfies by using gestures. Show your palm to the front camera and then clench your fist. You can also clench your fist and then open it towards the front camera. •...
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Auto shot You can use the face detection feature to take selfies easily and conveniently. You can set the device so that, when you look at the screen, the front camera detects your face and takes a selfie automatically. • The white coloured guide frame appears when the front camera detects your face.
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Gesture view After taking a selfie with the front camera, you can preview the selfie immediately by placing the screen close to your face. • Gesture view to enable the Gesture view feature. • Only one preview is available each time a photo is taken. •...
Gallery Gallery overview You can view and manage photos and videos saved on your device. • Saved photos and videos are displayed by folder. Tap a folder and select a file. • View the selected file in full-screen mode. • While viewing a photo, swipe left or right to view the previous or next photo.
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Viewing photos Add to or remove Start the camera. from your favorites. Access additional options. Back to the previous screen. Write a memo on a photo. Delete images. View related content. Share images. Edit images. • To display the menu items, gently tap the screen. To hide the menu items, tap the screen again.
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Playing a video Open with QSlide. Access additional Pause or play the options. video. Rewind the video. Fast-forward the video. Choose screen Lock or unlock the ratio. screen. Making a GIF file. Edit the video. • To adjust the sound volume, drag the right side of the video screen up or down.
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Deleting files You can delete files by using one of the following options: • Touch and hold a file from the file list, then tap Delete. • from the file list and delete the desired files. • Deleted files are automatically moved to Trash and they can be restored to the Gallery within 7 days.
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Creating a movie You can create a new movie by putting images and videos together. , then tap Create movie. Select images or videos for your movie and tap NEXT. Edit the selected images and videos and then tap SAVE. Useful Apps...
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Deleting files You can select images or videos to delete from your video by tapping at the top right corner of its thumbnail. Adding files You can select images or videos to add after tapping at the bottom of the screen. You can also select the images or videos you have already previously added.
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You shall not copy, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise make illegal use of any copyrighted materials without permission of the rightful owner or copyright holder. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, LG Electronics disclaims all expressed and implied warranties as well as liabilities associated thereto. •...
Contacts Contacts overview You can save and manage contacts. LG Contacts. Adding contacts Adding new contacts On the contact list screen, tap Enter contact details and tap SAVE. Importing contacts You can import contacts from another storage device. On the contact list screen, tap Manage contacts Import.
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Searching for contacts You can search for contacts by using one of the following options: • from the top of the contacts list and then enter the contact information or phone number. • Scroll the contact list up or down. •...
Adding favourites You can register frequently used contacts as favourites. On the contact list screen, select a contact. On the contact detail screen, tap Creating groups On the contacts group list, tap Enter a new group name. Tap Add members, select contacts, then tap ADD. Tap SAVE to save the new group.
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World clock You can view the current time in cities around the world. Tools Clock World clock. and add a city. Timer You can set the timer to trigger an alarm after a specified period of time. Tools Clock Timer. Set the time and tap Start.
Calendar Calendar overview You can use the calendar to manage events and tasks. Adding events Calendar. Select a date and then tap Enter event details and tap SAVE. Syncing events Calendars to sync, and select a calendar to sync. • When your events are saved from the device to your Google account, they are automatically synced with the Google Calendar, too.
Music You can play and manage songs or music albums. LG Music. Select a category. Select a music file. Back to the previous Access additional options. screen. Switch to the playlist. Add to or delete from your favourites. Select a repeat mode.
Consult with your service provider for more information. Registering email accounts When you use the email app for the first time, register your email account. LG E-mail. Select an email service provider. Enter your email address and password and then tap NEXT to register your account.
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Managing email accounts To view or edit your email account settings, tap Settings. • To add an account, tap Add account. • To delete an account, tap Remove account. Opening another email account If several email accounts are registered and you want to view another account, tap and select another one from the account list.
FM Radio You can listen to FM radio. Tools FM Radio. • To use this app, first connect earphones to the device. The earphones function as the radio antenna. • This function may not be supported depending on the area. File Manager You can view and manage files saved on your device or cloud.
LG Mobile Switch Easily transfer data from a used device to a new device via LG Mobile Switch. Management LG Mobile Switch. You can also tap Settings General Backup LG Mobile Switch. Follow the on-screen instructions to select a desired method for transfer.
SmartWorld You can download a variety of games, audio content, apps and fonts provided by LG Electronics. Customise your device to suit your preferences by using Home themes and fonts. • If you use mobile data, you may be charged for data usage depending on your pricing plan.
Instagram Use a social networking service to capture and share your photos and videos. You can also apply filter effects to make your photos and videos more creative and interesting. Recommended Instagram. Google apps You can use Google apps by setting a Google Account. The Google Account registration window appears automatically when you use a Google app for the first time.
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Make simple, high quality video calls to your friends and family on Android phones and iPhones. Gmail Gmail is an easy to use mail app that keeps your messages safe, makes your inbox smarter, and helps you stay organized. Google The Google app keeps you in the know about the things you care about.
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Play Music Purchase music from the Play Store. Play music saved on your device. Sheets Sheets is a collaborative spreadsheet processing tool that powers productivity. Use Sheets to import, organize and analyze information together in real-time. Slides Google Slides is a collaborative presentation creation tool that powers productivity.
Settings You can customise the device settings in accordance with your preferences. Settings. • and enter a keyword in the search box to access a setting item. • to change the view mode. This user guide assumes that you are using the Tab view.
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Wi-Fi network settings On the settings screen, tap Network Wi-Fi. • Switch to mobile data: If the mobile data connection function is activated but the device cannot connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi connection, the device automatically connects to the Internet via the mobile data connection.
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Bluetooth You can connect your device to nearby devices that support Bluetooth to exchange data with them. Connect your device to a Bluetooth headset and a keyboard. This makes it easier to control the device. Pairing with another device On the settings screen, tap Network Bluetooth. to activate it.
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Sending data via Bluetooth Select a file. • You can send multimedia files or contacts. Bluetooth. Select a target device for the file. • The file is sent as soon as the target device accepts it. • File sharing processes may differ, depending on the file. Mobile data You can turn mobile data on and off.
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• When connecting to a computer, download the USB driver from and install it on the computer. • You cannot send or receive files between your device and a computer while USB tethering is turned on. Turn off USB tethering to send or receive files.
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Wi-Fi hotspot You can set the device as a wireless router so that other devices can connect to the Internet by using your device’ s mobile data. On the settings screen, tap Network Tethering Wi-Fi hotspot and then tap to activate it. Tap Set up Wi-Fi hotspot, and enter the Wi-Fi name (SSID) and password.
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Wi-Fi hotspot turn off timer When the Wi-Fi hotspot has not been used for a specific period of time, it is automatically disconnected. You can set the time for automatic disconnection. Bluetooth tethering A Bluetooth-connected device can connect to the Internet by using your device’...
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Screen sharing You can play the screen and sound of the device on a different device, such as a TV, that supports the Miracast function. On the settings screen, tap Network Screen sharing. to activate it. Select a device from the list of nearby devices. •...
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On the settings screen, tap Network Sharing panel. to deactivate each option. File sharing You can send and receive files between your device and other LG devices or tablets. On the settings screen, tap Network File sharing. Customise the following settings: •...
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Not-allowed devices: View a list of devices not permitted to access content on your device. LG AirDrive You can use your LG account to manage files saved on the device from a computer. You do not need a USB connection. On the settings screen, tap Network LG AirDrive.
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Printing You can connect your device to a Bluetooth printer and print photos or documents saved on the device. On the settings screen, tap Network Printing. • If the desired printer is not in the list, install the printer driver from the app store.
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Mobile networks You can customise the mobile networks settings. On the settings screen, tap Network Mobile networks. Customise the following settings: • Mobile data: Turn mobile data on or off. • Data roaming: Browse the web, use emails, multimedia messages and other data services overseas.
• Dialing keypad sound: Select the keypad sound effect. • LG Keyboard sound: Select LG keyboard sound effect. • Touch sound: Select a sound effect for tapping an item. • Screen lock sound: Select a sound effect when the screen is locked or unlocked.
Display You can customise detailed settings for each screen type. On the settings screen, tap Display and customise the following settings: • Home screen: Customise settings for the Home screen. See Home screen settings for details. • Theme: Select a screen theme for your device. •...
General Lock screen & security You can customise lock screen and security settings. • Google Play Protect: Scans your device daily for potentially harmful apps. • Find My Device: Remotely track the device location. You can also protect your data securely if you lost your device. Security update: Check for software update and configure automatic •...
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• Encryption & credentials: Configure the settings for SD card encryption and credentials. - Encrypt SD card: Encrypt the memory card to prevent use on another device. See Memory card encryption for details. - Secure start-up: Protect your device with a lock when it powers on. Secure start-up settings for details.
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Apps & notifications You can check a list of installed apps, and configure the settings for notifications, app permissions, and more. On the settings screen, tap General Apps & notifications. Customise the settings. Battery You can view the current battery information or turn on power-saving mode.
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Storage You can view and manage internal storage on the device or storage space of the memory card. On the settings screen, tap General Storage. Customise the following settings: • Internal storage: View the total storage space and free space in the device’...
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• Vision Touch zoom: Zoom in or out by tapping the screen three times. • Vision Window zoom: Zoom in or out within a window and invert the colour. • Vision Large mouse pointer: Magnify the mouse pointer. • Vision High contrast screen: Turn the background colour into black for a high contrast screen.
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• Motor & cognition Auto mouse click: Automatically click the mouse pointer in case of no movement. • Motor & cognition Touch and hold for calls: Answer or decline calls by touching and holding the call button instead of dragging it. •...
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Gaming You can configure settings for game tools, graphics and battery saving feature. • Game tools: Tap to activate this feature. You can launch this feature by tapping the game tool icon at the bottom of the screen while playing games. •...
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Current keyboard: View the keyboard currently in use. Select a keyboard to use when entering text. • On-screen keyboard: Change the LG keyboard settings or voice recognition feature of Google Voice. • Physical keyboard: Select to use the physical keyboard, or check keyboard shortcut keys.
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You can back up data saved on your device to another device or account. On the settings screen, tap General Backup. Customise the following settings: • LG Mobile Switch: Allows you to transfer data from an old LG device to your new LG device. See LG Mobile Switch for details.
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Reset You can reset the device including network and app settings. On the settings screen, tap General Reset. Customise the following settings: • Network settings reset: Reset Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other network settings. • Reset app preferences: Reset the settings for an app. The data saved in the app will not be deleted.
LG Bridge LG Bridge overview LG Bridge is an app that helps you manage the photos, music, videos and documents saved on your LG smartphone from your computer conveniently. You can back up contacts, photos and more to the computer or update the device software.
This feature allows you to conveniently update the firmware on your phone to a newer version from the Internet without needing to visit a service centre. This feature will only be available if and when LG makes a newer firmware version available for your device.
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This feature allows you to conveniently update your phone’ s software to a newer version via OTA, without connecting a USB cable. This feature will only be available if and when LG makes a newer firmware version available for your device.
Anti-Theft Guide Set up your device to prevent other people from using it if it’ s been reset to factory settings without your permission. For example, if your device is lost, stolen, or wiped, only someone with your Google account or screen lock information can use the device.
In addition to the source code, all referred license terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are available for download. LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROM for a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution (such as the cost of media, shipping, and handling) upon email request to .
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DOLBY AUDIO Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby, Dolby Audio, and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. TypeC-HDMI • You may not need to connect the charger with TypeC-HDMI gender to output the screen. Connect the charger for reducing the battery consumption.
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To prevent direct exposure to laser beam, do not try to open the enclosure or to make the direct contact with the laser. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Hereby, LG Electronics declares that this LG-H850 product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU.
This chapter lists some problems you might encounter when using your device. Some problems require you to call your service provider, but most are easy to fix yourself. Device overheats Device overheats while it is used. In the following cases, the battery consumption increases and the device may overheat: •...
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If you are using the device with maximum screen brightness, decrease the brightness. • If the device overheats for a prolonged period, stop using it for a while. If the device continues to overheat, visit the LG Customer Service Centre. Appendix...
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Usage limitations when the device overheats If the device overheats while using it or charging, some features, apps, or even the device may be turned off. This is a normal operation for the devices that support this feature. • If the device temperature rises above a certain level, a warning message appears.
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Make sure device is charging at a normal temperature. Check the charger and its connection to the device. Use only in-box accessories which are authorised by LG. The battery depletes faster than when first purchased When you expose the device or the battery to very cold or hot temperatures, the battery life may be reduced.
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The touch screen may malfunction in humid conditions or when exposed to water. Restart your device to clear any temporary software bugs. If the touch screen is scratched or damaged, visit a LG Electronics Service Center. Hangs or freezes Restart the device •...
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Make sure your device and the other Bluetooth device are within the maximum Bluetooth range (10 m). If the tips above do not solve your problem, contact a LG Electronics Service Center. A connection is not established when you connect the device to a computer Make sure the USB cable you are using is compatible with your device.