June 1996
Prepared By
Os Development
Compaq Computer
LoadSim .............................. 3
Results .......................... 10
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Performance of Microsoft Exchange
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Server 4.0 on Compaq ProLiant Servers
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Electronic messaging is consistently becoming more pervasive in the business world. As
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people must process increasing amounts of information, there is a need for powerful
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software and hardware products to satisfy the requirements imposed.
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To fill the need for a powerful messaging software product, Microsoft has created
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Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0. This product has been the focal point of extensive
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development and testing efforts involving the commitments of both Microsoft and its
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partners. During this time, Compaq and Microsoft have worked together to optimize
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Microsoft Exchange Server on Compaq System products.
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Microsoft Exchange Server is enormously complex, with many features and capabilities.
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One important part of understanding the product is understanding its performance. For
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system administrators and potential purchasers of both Microsoft Exchange Server and
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Compaq products, this aspect of Microsoft Exchange Server is crucial to understand so
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the proper decisions can be made.
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This white paper covers various performance aspects of Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0
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on Compaq ProLiant Servers, specifically the ProLiant 4500 and the ProLiant 5000.
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Fundamentally, this paper should provide the reader with an expectation of how
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Microsoft Exchange Server will perform on a Compaq ProLiant under various user
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loads. Furthermore, the paper should uncover other useful information pertaining to
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Microsoft Exchange Server configuration and performance tuning, as well as CPU,
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RAM, and disk utilization on Compaq ProLiant servers. Ultimately, this paper should
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help the potential purchaser make good decisions about which Compaq products to
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purchase in order to satisfy the requirements of his or her business needs.
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