Fabric parameter
Installing and configuring the host
This section explains how to install and configure Fibre Channel adapters (FCAs) that connect the
host to the disk array.
Loading the operating system and software
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to load the operating system and software onto the host. Load
all OS patches and configuration utilities supported by HP and the FCA manufacturer.
Installing and configuring the FCAs
Install and configure the Fibre Channel adapters using the FCA manufacturer's instructions.
Clustering and fabric zoning
If you plan to use clustering, install and configure the clustering software on the servers.
Clustering is the organization of multiple servers into groups. Within a cluster, each server is a node.
Multiple clusters compose a multi-cluster environment. The following example shows a multi-cluster
environment with three clusters, each containing two nodes. The nodes share access to the disk array.
Figure 3 Multi-cluster environment
Within the Storage Area Network (SAN), the clusters may be homogeneous (all the same operating
system) or they may be heterogeneous (mixed operating systems). How you configure LUN security
and fabric zoning depends on the operating system mix and the SAN configuration.
Connection parameter
Direct Fabric Attach
XP Disk Array Configuration Guide for HP-UX
Not supported
Not supported