54 - Links
Option 54 – Links
The Links option offers a powerful method of interconnecting zones, output functions, codes, keypads, and
MAX modules. The links table is constructed by creating a link between one of the source types and a valid
destination type. Activating the source of a link activates the destination – this can be used to switch outputs
on and off to omit zones, codes, keypads and MAX modules from the system.
The links function allows MAX destinations to be assigned a ( ) star function. If the destination is pro-
grammed as MAX and the ( ) star is allocated, the assigned MAX door relay will open for the duration the
link is active. During this period no MAX alarms are generated if the door contact timeout is exceeded. The
on-board horns are deactivated and the green open LED will be illuminated throughout.
When the link is deactivated the MAX horn sounds and the door relay remains open for the programmed
relay duration period. - simulates an egress button activation.
If a max is disabled as the destination of a link, a card swiped at the max will still cancel an alarm or unset the
system. However it will not activate the relay or do a max function.
The number of links that can be assigned on each of the Galaxy systems is:
• Galaxy 48 = 64
• Galaxy 96 = 128
• Galaxy 264 = 256
• Galaxy 520 = 256
Programming Links
On selecting the Links option, the details of Link 01 are displayed. If no link has been assigned the screen
displays 01 NOT USED.
The details of each link can be displayed using the A and B keys, or a specific link can be selected by entering
the required link number, for example 05, 29. When the required link is displayed, press, the ent key to begin
the programming procedure. The system prompts for the Link Source to be assigned. If groups are set then
some sources and destinations will not be available for programming:
1. Press the # key to select the required link source from the available types (refer to Table 23. Link
Source ).
2. Press the A or B keys to select the actual link source (for example, the zone address or the user code
3. If the source is required to toggle the destination on and off, press the
on the display.
1. The link destination is activated by the first operation of the source and then deactivated by the second
4. Press the ent key; the source of the link is assigned and the keypad prompts for the link destination to be
5. Press the # key to select the required link destination from the available types (refer to Table 24. Link
6. Press the A or B keys to select the actual link destination (for example, the zone address or the output
type). To cancel a link program the source as not used.
7. Press the ent key.
Galaxy Dimension Installer Manual
key. The source is prefixed by a