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Overriding Of Faults And Tampers; Setting Features - Honeywell Galaxy Dimension Series Installer Manual

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Setting Features

Resetting Using Alarm Cause Code
If enabled in menu option 51.72, when a reset is required, an alarm cause code must be entered to reset the
If there are multiple alarm causes and/or multiple groups require to be reset, then the alarm cause code only
has to be entered once. The user enters the most appropriate code as determined on site. The cause code
values should be determined in conjunction with the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC).

Overriding of Faults and Tampers

Whenever a user logs in, the display shows any unrestored faults and tampers. If the condition cannot be
cleared and restored, then to enable the system to be set, a facility to override the condition is included.
When a user tries to set the system, the system displays any conditions and allow the user to scroll through
multiple conditions. If the user has the authority to override the condition, the following display accompanies
the condition;
If the user cannot override the condition, the ENT to Continue will not be displayed.
The user can override each authorized condition, by pressing the ent key while the condition is displayed on
the keypad. Each and every condition is individually displayed and overridden.
Pressing enter omits the condition for one set period only. Pressing escape returns to the previous banner.
When setting the system with an overridden fault or tamper condition, the display indicates the overridden
function in place of the set mode by showing the omit message as detailed in the omit menu function. The
Override condition is logged, and will last for one set period only. When all the groups that are affected by the
override condition become unset, the override status is cleared. An override restore is logged at unset.
If, during a setting attempt, there are conditions that haven't restored and cannot be overridden, then the
system will not set. The display shows the CALL MANAGER RESET REQUIRED banner with a short
beep every 30 seconds .
Setting Features
The Galaxy control panels provide a range of features to assist the user in the setting and unsetting of the
system, minimising the possibility of error when carrying out these procedures.
Show Set Status
When Show Status is enabled (refer to option 58.6 = KEYPAD.Show Status), pressing the
simultaneously when the normal banner is displayed indicates the group set status.
F = Fault
R = Ready
S = Set
P = Part Set
L = Locked Out
– = Group not assigned to keypad
NOTE: The Show Status indicates the set conditions of groups when the system is set (keypad blank) or
unset (normal banner). Show Status does not operate while engineer mode is accessed.
ENT to Continue
ENT to Continue
ENT to Continue
ENT to Continue
ENT to Continue
0001 +CU-BATT
0001 +CU-BATT
0001 +CU-BATT
0001 +CU-BATT
0001 +CU-BATT
STATUS 12345678
STATUS 12345678
STATUS 12345678
STATUS 12345678
STATUS 12345678
Galaxy Dimension Installer Manual
Group Block
and # keys

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