Galaxy Dimension Installer Manual
Option 55 – Soak
The Soak option allows selected zones to be put onto test for a period ranging from 1 – 14 days (refer to
option 51.16=PARAMETERS.Soak Time). Activations from a zone on the soak test do not cause alarms
but are recorded in the event log and are reported to type 2 (and above) users on unsetting of the system.
The zone remains on soak test until the selected number of days has passed without any alarm activation, the
zones then resume normal operation – that it, activations result in alarms being generated.
The Soak Time is reset to the full number of days if there is an alarm activation on any of the selected zones.
NOTE: The Soak Time starts when the first zone is put onto soak test; subsequent additions are only tested
for the period remaining in the Soak Time. Parameter 51.16, Soak Time must be programmed
before activating any zones in to the soak test. The period remaining decreases by one day each day
at 0900 hours.
Activation of an Exit or Video Exit zone during the Entry time does not reset the soak test and period.
Programming Soak Zones
On selecting the Soak option, the address and function of the first zone on the system is displayed. Move to
the required zone by pressing the A or B keys or by entering the zone address. To place the zone on the soak
test press the # key; the keypad indicates that the zone is now ON TEST. Select other zones to be put on
soak test in the same way. Once all the zones have been selected, press the esc key; the keypad briefly
displays the number of days remaining in the Soak Time parameter before escaping from the Soak operation.
55 - Soak